2011-05-02 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2011

The Annual Town Meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. having met the quorum requirement of 27 registered voters (5% quorum). 67 registered voters were present at the meeting.

The moderator asked for a motion, which was approved, to permit her to declare the result of a vote without requiring a vote. When a question is put, the sense of the meeting shall be determined by a voice vote or show of hands and the Moderator shall declare the vote as it appears to him/her. On matters requiring a 2/3 vote by statute, a count need not be taken unless the vote so declared is immediately questioned by seven voters, as provided in MGL Chapter 39, Section 15.

ARTICLE 1: VOTED unanimously to accept the reports of Town Officers and Committees for 2010.

ARTICLE 2: VOTED unanimously to authorize the Town Treasurer / Tax Collector to enter into compensating balance agreements during Fiscal Year 2012 as permitted by General Laws Chapter 44:53f.

ARTICLE 3: VOTED unanimously to authorize the Board of Selectmen to apply for and accept state or federal grants, and to expend any monies received as set forth in the appropriate grant application.

ARTICLE 4: VOTED unanimously to authorize the following revolving funds in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 53E ½.

A. Fees for Board of Health inspections will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay the personnel performing the inspections and related expenses. The fund will be under the authority of the Board of Health and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2011, will be limited to Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00)

B. Fees collected for burials by the Cemetery Commission or Board of Selectmen will be deposited into a revolving fund to pay personnel for the purpose of preparing the burial lot(s). The fund will be under the authority of the Cemetery Commission, and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2011, will be limited to Two Thousand Dollars. ($2,000.00)

C. Fees and reimbursements for costs of public hearings held by the Board of Selectmen and Zoning Board of Appeals will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay the costs of advertising, recording fees, and expenses related to the hearings. The fund will be under the authority of the Board of Selectmen, and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2011, will be limited to Three Thousand Dollars. ($3,000).

D. Fees for inspections conducted by the Plumbing and Gas Inspector will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay the Inspector for performing said inspections. The fund will be under the authority of the Board of Selectmen, and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2010, will be limited to Two Thousand Dollars. ($2,000) If this fund is not reauthorized for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2011 the balance will close out to surplus revenue at the close of Fiscal Year 2011.

E. Cleaning deposit fees retained by the Town, related to the use of Town Hall, will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay the Town Hall Janitor for extra cleaning required after the use of Town Hall by any person or group which forfeits its cleaning deposit. The fund will be under the authority of the Board of Selectmen, and expenditures shall not exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2011.

F. Funds received from the sale of timber from Town owned land will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay the costs of professional forestry management services and related expenses. The fund will be under the authority of the Forestry Committee and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2011, will be limited to Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).

G. Funds received from sale of dog licenses or from loose dog fees collected will be deposited into a revolving fund to pay for expenses incurred for licensing expenses, and the care and kenneling of animals in the custody of the Animal Control Officer. The fund will be under the authority of the Chief of Police and the total expenditures in the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2011, shall not exceed Seven Hundred Fifty ($750).

H. Fees collected for Fire Department inspections will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay the personnel performing the inspections and related expenses. The fund will be under the authority of the Fire Department and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2011, will be limited to Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).

I. Fees collected by the Planning Board’s Zoning Program will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay costs associated with the Planning Board’s Zoning Program such as zoning related hearings, zoning public notification, and zoning training of board members. The fund will be under the control of the Selectboard, total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2011, will be limited to one thousand dollars ($1,000).

J. Fees from Highway department equipment sharing and inter-municipal rentals, Chapter 90 equipment use, and other highway machinery reimbursement will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to fund highway machinery repairs, upkeep and replacement. The fund will be under the authority of the Selectboard and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2011 will be limited to ten thousand dollars. ($10,000).

K. Fees for inspections conducted by the Electrical Inspector will be deposited into a revolving fund and expended to pay the Inspector for performing said inspections. The fund will be under the authority of the Selectboard, and total expenditures for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2011 will be limited to Two Thousand Dollars ($2000)

ARTICLE 5: VOTED to raise and appropriate by taxation such sums of money as may be necessary to defray expenses, the amount estimated by the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2011, forthe purposes designated in the budget that follows, or any other amounts for such purposes, which shall not exceed the amounts stated in the column designated “FY 2012 requested”. This article shall also act to fix the salaries and compensation of elected officials as required by Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 41, Section 108.

Requested salaries and compensation for elected officials:

Moderator $125
Selectboard $1200
Assessors $1500
Town Clerk $5700
Tree Warden $500
Board of Health $1500
Cemetery Commission $600

ARTICLE 6: VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,000to fund the Warwick Community School Improvement Account established by vote of the Annual Town Meeting held May 3, 2004.

ARTICLE 7: VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 to the Revaluation Account.

ARTICLE 8: VOTED unanimously to transfer $2025 from Overlay Surplus to reduce the FY 2012 tax levy.

ARTICLE 9: VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,950 to carry out the PVRSD Central Office capital projects.

ARTICLE 10: VOTED unanimously to amend Article 6 voted by Town Meeting on May 5, 2003, establishing an Open Space Committee with twelve members, by reducing the membership to seven members.

ARTICLE 11: VOTED unanimously to appropriate $34,300 to the Transfer Station Enterprise Fund effective July 1, 2011 and raise and appropriate an additional $12,000 for a total of $46,300.

ARTICLE 12: VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate $46,128 for purchase of a new four-wheel-drive police cruiser.

ARTICLE 13: VOTED unanimously to appropriate $117,028 from “Free Cash” to reduce the FY 2012 tax levy.

ARTICLE 14: VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate $40,000 to the Capital Stabilization Fund (2/3 vote required).

ARTICLE 15: VOTED unanimously to appropriate $102,700 to the Broadband Enterprise Fund effective July 1, 2011 for operation of the Warwick Broadband Service.

ARTICLE 16: VOTED unanimously to appropriate $68,352, the proceeds of the WCS debt retirement, to reduce the FY12 tax levy.

ARTICLE 17: VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate $15,000 to audit town accounts.

Motion made and passed to add words “raise and” to article; words were missing from warrant.

ARTICLE 18: VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate $16,000 to replace the highway garage roof. Motion made and passed to add words “raise and” to article; words were missing from warrant.

ARTICLE 19: ARTICLE FAILS to accept Appendix 120 AA of the Massachusetts Building Code, 780 CMR, the “Stretch Energy Code”, including amendments or modifications thereto, regulating the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy, a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk.

YES –19
NO –30

ARTICLE 20: VOTED unanimously to adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by enacting Chapter 164 of the Acts of 1997, has established a competitive marketplace through deregulation and restructuring of the electric utility industry; and

Whereas, the citizens of the Town of Warwick in Franklin County have substantial economic, environmental, and social interests at stake; and

Whereas, Warwick’s residential and business consumers are interested in reducing their electricity rates;

Be it therefore resolved, that the Town Meeting of Warwick grant the Board of authority to develop and participate in a contract, or contracts, for power supply and other related services, independently, or in joint action with other municipalities through the Hampshire Council of Governments. If such contracts are to be approved, individual consumers would retain the option not to participate and to choose any alternative service they desire; and

Be it further resolved, that the Board of Selectmen will appoint a representative for a committee to oversee such joint action.

ARTICLE 21: VOTED unanimously to make the position of Tree Warden elected for a three year term.

ARTICLE 22: VOTED unanimously to make the position of Moderator elected for a three year term.

ARTICLE 23: VOTED to authorize the Selectboard to take all necessary and appropriate action to establish and to maintain, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 164 of the General Laws and in accordance with the rules, regulations and orders of the Department of Public Utilities and the Department of Telecommunications & Cable, a municipal lighting plant for all purposes allowable under the laws of the Commonwealth, including without limitation the operation of a telecommunications system and any related services.

YES –56
NO — 1

The meeting dissolved at 8:50 p.m. A true record of the action taken.

Jeannette Fellows, Town Clerk