2024-1-11 Planning Board Minutes

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Warwick Planning Board & Agricultural Commission Minutes

January 11, 2024

Members present: Kelly Buchanan, John Bradford, Howard Mathison, Brad Compton, Sandy Renna

Alternate members present: Kady Woods

Members absent: None

Others present: None

Meeting in the Town Hall was called to order at 7:33 pm by Rotating Chair Howard Mathison.

Agenda was approved, voted unanimously.

The minutes of the December were approved, voted unanimously.

Announcements & other info

  • None

Review and sign plans

  • None

Old business

  • Prepare for changes in ADU bylaw – Kelly. We edited the article and FAQ to a final version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HBhgp–XSb3nV777OnLSAy5nj2Q7qkjWDnU2b3wjd_w/edit?usp=sharing. We all promise to read this over one more time and suggest changes, with a deadline of Jan 19. Kady will do final edits as needed and make the FAQ pretty. We’ve scheduled the Public Information Session for 7 pm on Feb 6 at Town Hall. John, Kady, and Howard will bring treats. We decided to Dan or Jaylin to come to the session and talk about their accessory apartment. Howard will ask Dan. We need a notice for the newsletter. Kady will draft it and send it around for our edits.


Jan 20 – notice to newsletter

Feb 6, 7 pm – public information session

March 14 – public hearing; then finalize article at PB meeting

April 1 – warrant article to Selectboard

New business and business not reasonably anticipated

Meeting adjourned at 9:06 pm, voted unanimously.

Next meeting: Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 7:30 pm in the Warwick Town Hall, to be chaired by Kady Woods.

March – Kelly

April – John

May – Sandy

June – Brad

July – Howard

September – Kady

Submitted by Brad Compton, Secretary