2024-05-09 Planning Board Minutes

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Warwick Planning Board & Agricultural Commission Minutes

May 9, 2024

Members present: John Bradford, Howard Mathison, Brad Compton, Kelly Buchanan

Alternate members present: Kady Woods

Members absent: Sandy Renna

Others present: None

Meeting in the Town Hall was called to order at 7:40 pm by Rotating Chair Brad Compton

Agenda was approved, voted unanimously.

The revised minutes of the April meeting were approved, voted unanimously.

Announcements & other info

  • Reminder: We all have to take ethics training by the end of July. Do it here: https://massethicstraining.skillburst.com/User/index.php. Create a new account. Select ‘Warwick’ under Organization. Verify your email, set a password, acknowledge receipt, and complete the training.

Review and sign plans

  • We received an ANR plan for Joel and Nathan Eigerman at 142 Flower Hill Road. The property is to be divided into three parcels, one of which is non-conforming, correctly labeled “not a building lot.” We endorsed the plan.

Old business

  • Town meeting vote on ADU bylaw – follow up. The next step is for John to submit this to the Attorney General’s office. The actual text of the by-law changes didn’t make it into the TM warrant, which instead included a summary. It’s unclear whether this is a problem or not.
  • We discussed changing the maximum size of an ADU to 900 sq ft. A lot of modular houses are built to 900 sq ft, so it may be easier for some people. We may also want to consider making ADUs by-right instead of requiring a Special Permit as they do now. There is a bill in the state legislature to make all ADUs by-right.
  • We discussed other by-law changes we had queued up from the pandemic. We’ll continue to revisit them in future meetings.

New business and business not reasonably anticipated

  • Sandy will be away in June, so someone else will need to take his place in the rotation. Howard will do it.

Meeting adjourned at 8:38, voted unanimously.

Next meeting: Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 7:30 pm in the Warwick Town Hall, to be chaired by Howard Mathison.  

July – Sandy

September – Kady

October – Kelly

November – John

December – Howard

Submitted by Brad Compton, Secretary