Meeting Date: May 16, 2024
6:30 PM, Warwick Town Hall
1. Meeting called to order at 6:41 PM by Chair, Mike Mankowsky
In Attendance: Chair, Mike Mankowsky, Mark Fellow, Todd Dexter and Attendant Gerry Whitney.
2. Review & Approval of last meeting minutes: All commission members reviewed the February and March 2024 meeting minutes. Motion made by Mankowsky, Second by Dexter. Motion was PASSED 3-0-0.
3. Old Business
A. Fence Line: Keene fence completed the new fence line, removed the section that was on personal property and repaired the section that was damaged by a fallen tree. The Town has paid the invoice in full. No further discussion.
B. Conex Power Source Update: Todd Weed, town electrician will install the power from the electrical breaker box behind the cardboard compactor. He will finalize the conduit installation and make a materials list. He will be purchasing the material from Needham Electrical supply in Greenfield. Weed said he could complete the job by the end of May.
C. Office Shed power line, damage to conduit: Todd Weed said he could look at the conduit and possibly install a slip joint. He will advise on best steps once he has looked at the job.
D. Compactor Evaluation, oil analysis: Dexter will take care of the oil samples and report back to the commission when results are posted. Kurt Fietag had been contacted for an equipment evaluation. He wanted to see what the oil analysis results yielded and if that would be part of his job to change the hydraulic oil.
E. Bulky Waste, scale update: Mankowsky spoke with Able Scale. The discussion revolved around a truck platform scale. A new unit would be around $40,000.00 which does not include site preparation. Manksowsky said used units are rare and hard to come by. Fellows suggested looking at portable platform scales such is what the state police truck teams use. More research needs to be done. Tabled until the next meeting.
4. New Business
A. Attendant’s Time Sheets, Updates: Whitney reports that he has a newer HP laptop computer. He has been working with Board of Assessors Clerk, Tracey Styles on set up. She has installed Gerry’s time sheet and expense reports on it. Mankowsky asked that the weekly Transfer Station Account 65 turnover sheets be set up also. The Commissioners came to a consensus that Whitney should e mail a copy of his turnover sheet along with his time sheet to the commission. Whitney said he would work with Ms. Styles to accomplish this.
Whitney also said he sometimes has to open the gate during the week for vendors coming in to pick up tires, discharge Freon from appliances and pick up electronics. He asked about minimum time to cover his pay while performing these duties. Mankowsky said it should be a 1 hour minimum for any Transfer Station related duties outside the attendant’s normal work hours. Whitney was told to document what the time is for along with the date of service and put it on his time sheet.
B. Trespassing after hours issues, posting and discussion: Whitney reported that he had stopped at the transfer station one afternoon during the week and found a citizen inside the fence line poaching the bulky waste dumpster. He notified this person and asked them to leave that the facility was not open for business. This, along with people tossing trash on the ground in front of the closed gate has prompted the need to post the facility. Dexter suggested No Trespass after hours signs should be posted on the fence. After discussion the commission came to a consensus to purchase signs and post in three places. Main gate and one to the middle of each side of the gate midway down the fence. Whitney will take the hours sign down and bring it to the sign shop in Orange to have the hours updated. He will repost it once it’s done.
C. Updates and needs from Attendant Gerry Whitney: Gerry asked about a roof over the steel and bulky waste dumpsters. He said the snow and water weight is a problem when shipping loads which are weighed by the solid waste district and billed to the town. Mankowksy said his concern is the drivers who move the containers may back into the posts. He also felt it would be cost prohibitive estimating the project cost being between $5,000 to $8,000 dollars. Fellows suggested used roofing for part of the project. He said Chase Hill Farm may have some aluminum roofing coming off a structure that could be picked up reasonably. The matter was dropped for future consideration.
Whitney complained about the dust in the yard. Manskowsky suggested calcium chloride chips to be applied with a spreader. Whitney will check with Hamshaw Lumber and get back to Mankowsky with pricing.
D. Bulky Waste Guidelines: The Franklin County Solid Waste Management District has issued an update on Guidance for solid waste handling and disposal facilities on compliance with Mass DEP Waste Bans. There have been questions raised on the size of bulky waste loads that can be accepted at a transfer station. Mass DEP has an exemption for loads less than 5 cubic yards. FCSWD worked with DEP to exempt construction-type materials on the waste ban list. Small stations cannot spot and separate all of these materials. DEP set an exemption for asphalt, brick, concrete, gypsum, wood and metal. Warwick already separates metal. DEP requires signs to list those items but not that there is an exemption to throw them in bulky waste. Warwick has signs posted and Whitney is in compliance.
5. Unanticipated business: Fee Schedule. Dexter brought up the need to look at the fee schedule and make any updates in particular bulky waste. Whitney said he could check with surrounding communities and see what they are charging. The matter was tabled until the next meeting allowing time for a report to be developed.
A. Transfer Station Attendant OSHA Training: Both Whitney and fill in attendant Vern Bass will attend the upcoming training at the Whately Town Offices on May 22nd & 29th from 9-2 PM. The topics will be based around emergency preparedness and work place safety. The topics flyer is included with the documents consulted section of this meeting.
6. Public Comment. None
6. Adjourn: Adjourned at 8:30 PM, MOTION made by Mankowsky, Fellows SECONDED. Carried 3-0-0
Respectfully Submitted,
Todd Dexter
Commission Member
OSHA Transfer Station Attendant Training Agenda, May 22 & 29th 2024
E mail OSHA Training Registration Reminder, Dated: May 15, 2024
E mail Bulky Waste Loads, DEP bulky waste rules and regulations
Franklin County Solid Waste Management District: Exemptions from certain waste ban compliance plan requirements