2024-02-28 Transfer Station Commission Minutes

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Meeting Date: February 28, 2024
6:30 PM, Warwick Town Hall

1. Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM by Chairman Mike Mankowsky

In Attendance: Members Mark Fellows, Todd Dexter and Mike Mankowsky. Attendant Gerry Whitney.

2. Review & Approval of last meeting minutes: January 2024 meeting minutes were accepted as written. Mankowsky made the MOTION to accept, Fellows SECOND. PASSED 3-0-0

3. Weekly receivables report to the commission for discussion: The commissioners decided that we will collect six months of weekly receipts to gather a base line on receivables. The bulky waste remains the primary focus due to the continued debt generated and partially funded by taxation approved at the ATM. Whitney will continue to turn in his sheets to Dexter for filing and meeting review.

The Commission would like to continue working with Town Coordinator David Young developing a more transparent spreadsheet and budget. It was noted that the finance committee will be conducting a series of departmental budget reviews for the upcoming Omnibus budget for FY25. Young had suggested that we request $15,000 from taxation for the town’s share of the Enterprise fund for FY25.

4. Old Business

A. Fence Line Extension, repair of damaged fence: Keene Fence has proposed the repair and replacement of 135 Ft. of 6 Ft. high galvanized chain link fence. Replace 30 Ft. of damaged fence due to a downed tree and remove 40 Ft. which was installed years ago on private property. The bid estimate came in at $7,880.00 for the complete job. After discussion Mankowsky made the MOTION to accept the bid as written, Fellows SECONDED, PASSED 3-0-0

Dexter noted that the next step would be meeting with the Select board for final approval from ARPA funds. The board had given the go ahead at their September meeting to move ahead seeking quotes which would be funded by the American Rescue Plan Act. Dexter will contact Young for a place on the board’s next meeting agenda.

B. Power source for Conex: Attendant Gerry Whitney said he had spoken with Highway Superintendent Matt Dorgan. He will dig the ditch for the conduit from the compactor electrical box to the conex. Manskowsky will reach out to Town Electrician Todd Weed to discuss installation.

C. Office Shed Power line: Mankowsky said this is a warm weather project which he will work on later in the spring.

D. Long Term Projects: Whitney noted that there are cracks developing on the trash compactor door frame and post. Mankowsky said he could weld those up. There was discussion on replacement compactors and where we may locate them. Mankowsky suggested contacting FERCOG and see if they have any leads on companies that other county towns use.

E. Review of expenditure & revenue ledger: Whitney asked about recording other town departments of the waste they generate. Fellows suggested a written receipt be kept. Whitney asked about noting it on the weekly payment schedule. He also asked what we should do with the old receipt books. Consensus of the Commission was to turn them over to the treasurer and also notate other departmental activity on the weekly payment schedule.

F. Green bags: Whitney reports there are 53 cases of large bags, 47 cases of small bags all paid for which are in storage at Hi-De Liners in Orange. He said he picks up 4 boxes per month of large bags for selling at the library and transfer station. He also has ¾ of a case of contractor bags which is only available at the transfer station at $10.00 each. The last order was placed 2 years ago; we are still working on that inventory.

5. New Business

A. Attendant’s Time Sheets: Mankowsky said he would like to see Whitney put in for 1 hour minimum when he has to turn on the heaters on the compactors on a Friday night, training in or out of town and as needed outside his normal hours. Consensus of the Commission was agreed on for the 1 hour minimum.

The Commissioners took up the current pay rate for the attendant. Whitney currently earns $17.00 per hour. This wage has been in place for three years. Dexter suggested he be moved to $20.00 per hour to match all other part time town employees. After discussion Mankowsky made the MOTION to approve and ask the Select board to take up the matter for their approval. (All wage related matters must be approved by the Select board per the Town Personnel Policy) Fellows SECONDED, PASSED 3-0-0

B. Sold Waste District Tonnage Report: Mankowsky questioned the tonnage on the report. (See documents consulted) He wanted to know that the cost per ton for disposal was for Warwick. The matter was tabled until the matter was consulted on with Coordinator Young.

C. Updates and needs from Attendant Gerry Whitney: He reported that he has been working with Clearview Composting from Orange. The three containers suppled to the transfer station are filled weekly. He said they will need larger containers. Whitney will ask them about more capacity when the pick up the next load.

Wednesday hours: Whitney said that he is being asked when these hours will return. The Commissioners took up the discussion and decided that we will conduct a pilot program beginning the first week in April. Fellows suggested that we open the first and third Wednesday afternoons. Hours would be 3-6 PM until Memorial Day and will move to 4-7 PM weekly for the summer until Labor Day. Mankowsky is not sold on winter hours during the week due to poor late afternoon daylight. He said if we pass this that the after Labor Day hours would have to be reviewed by the commission before commencing. The Commission reached a consensus to review the hours after Labor Day.

Fellows mentioned that we should advertise on the Warwick L, Town Facebook site and newsletter what the new Wednesday hours will be.

Mankowsky made the MOTION to open the Transfer Station on Wednesdays every 1st and 3rd of the month with the hours of 3-6 PM. Dexter SECONDED, PASSED 3-0-0

6. Unanticipated business: None

7. Public Comment. None

Adjourned meeting at 8:07 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Dexter
Commission Member

Franklin County Solid Waste Management District Tonnage Reports
Attendant’s Time Sheets
Keene Fence Company – Fence Estimate
