2023-10-11 Transfer Station Minutes

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Transfer Station Commission Approved Minutes

Meeting Date: October 11, 2023
6:30 PM, Warwick Town Hall

1. Meeting called to order by Chair, Mike Mankowsky at 6:41 PM

In Attendance: Mark Fellows, Mike Mankowsky and Todd Dexter. No public attendance

11. Review & Approval of last meeting minutes. No amendments or omissions where made,
Approved as written. 3-0-0

111. Old Business

A. Fence Line: Dexter reported that he and Mankowsky met with the Select board on 10/10 to discuss the fence line. The board agreed to approve ARPA funds to fix the damaged section which a tree had fallen on and collapsed the fence line to the North side of the main gate. In addition the board was informed that there have been numerous trespassers entering the transfer station after hours at the South end of the fence line where it has a short section making access possible. The Commissioners had suggested extending the fence line to try and deter this activity. There may be a boundary issue with private property. The extension would have to be explored before action could take place. SB Chair Alan Genovese asked that the Commission seek two quotes for the damaged section and bring it back as an agenda item for further discussion. Dexter will call two companies and try to set up appointments for a site visit to quote. Mankowsky suggested Hasty Fence, Keene Fence and L & L Fence as possibilities.

B. Power for Conex Box: Follow up to last month’s discussion regarding power to the Conex from the compactor power panel. Mankowsky was unable to contact Todd Weed, the Town Electrician. He will follow up on this and report his findings at the November meeting.

While talking about the Conex the locks on the doors came up. The Commission came to a consensus that the two locks needed to be swapped out for combination locks. Maintaining uniformity with the same combination made sense. Dexter will speak with the Town Coordinator, David Young to see how funds could be appropriated to purchase the locks.

C. Attendant’s shed: Mankowsky was going to check with Highway Superintendent Larry Delany about picking up the shed with the loader forks and re-block the building to relieve the pressure on the two electrical conduits. Tabled for further discussion

D. Security Cameras: This matter was also brought before the Select board. Citing Trespassing issues, break in problems at the attendant’s shed. The SB was informed that this was the Commission’s first step to try and prevent further vandalism. The board discussed the matter at which time Coordinator David Young said he was submitting a grant application for cameras at the School. He informed the board that all town owned buildings and property were eligible for consideration under the grant guidelines. He said he could add the transfer station as part of the application. The board came to a consensus agreeing to add the additional locations to the application.

E. Road & Entrance Repairs: The Select board was informed that the road into the transfer station has received numerous complaints of pot holes and disrepair by citizens. Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney and Highway Commission Chair Kevin Alden were in attendance at the SB meeting. After discussion Delaney agreed to fix the road with the grader and loader over the next week.

F. Attendant Gerry Whitney: The SB has requested a note from Mr. Whitney’s doctor stating his fitness to return to work after his lengthy absence. Genovese was concerned about his ability to lift and move things at the transfer station. Dexter will inform the commission of their request and contact Mr. Whitney.

VI. New Business

A. Long Term Projects: It was decided to have the two electric motors in the Conex checked out for either rebuilding or replacement. Both were removed from the two compactors due to failure. Dexter said he would contact Applied Dynamics in Greenfield for an estimate for discussion at the next meeting. Other items considered were Capital planning for compactor replacement, any necessary equipment upgrades and attendant needs. This will be an ongoing discussion at future meetings.

B. Maintenance Budget: Right now the transfer station does not have an operating budget. The SB is aware we do not have access to funds for equipment repairs, maintenance of the facility and a working budget which includes the attendant’s salary. This was tabled for further discussion.

5. Unanticipated business.

A. Services Payment Policy: The matter of how incoming monies for services rendered are paid was brought up. Past policy had been payment by check only, after lengthy discussion the commission has voted that checks are the preferred method of payment. However, cash will be accepted with an appropriate receipt if a resident asks for one and the transaction is logged along with type of service.

B. Bulky Waste Fees: The commission would like to see an income report for year over year receivables for the last three years. Also review and discuss with Gerry. A request to the Town Coordinator will be sent asking for copies of the spread sheets.

C. Attendant’s Receivables Report: The commission came to a consensus regarding Gerry’s receivables report. We would like to see his weekly income and how the data is recorded. Bag fees, bulky waste, electronics, tires and appliances. Further discussion with Gerry will take place at the next meeting.

D. Town Coordinator Roll: Continue to operate the week to week responsibilities, scheduling hauls, making sure the gate is open for vendor removal of waste. Gerry will report to the commission.

E. Operational hours: It has come to the commission’s attention that residents would like to see Wednesday hours year round. The commission decided this was a good idea, possibly splitting Saturday hours in half. Wednesdays would be mid-day to avoid shorter day light hours in the winter. Mankowsky recommended this be tabled until after the 1st of the year and look to start something in the spring. So moved.

F. Scale. Mankowsky and Fellows brought up the bulky waste scale status. Mankowsky is working on contacting Able Scale in CT; he is waiting on a call back. The commission agrees that a drive on scale with a weight range of 10,000 – 20,000 lbs. is appropriate. Follow up needed.

5. Public Comment. None

6. Adjourn, new meeting date:

Next meeting will be November 8th, 6:30 PM at the Town Hall All Boards Room. Adjourned at 8:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Dexter

Commission Member


E mail to the Select board, Highway Commission, and Town Coordinator. RE: Transfer Station Requests