Warwick Town Hall
12 Athol Rd
Warwick, MA 01378
We would love to hear from you! Messages sent here reach the Town Clerk – if you’re looking to contact a specific person, please contact them directly using the information below.
You may also use this form to share information on upcoming events in town.
Warwick Neighbors Online
There are two resident-run online avenues to connect with fellow townsfolk:
The Warwick L-ternative
Facebook group
Warwick Code Red
To sign up to receive calls or text messages for emergency situations or critical community alerts, sign up for Code Red
Submit a Photo
If you have a photo you’ve taken and would like to share with our website, you can submit it here!
Town Hall Offices and Other Phone Numbers
Office | Personnel & Hours | Phone Number | |
Animal Control Officer | Rosa Fratangelo; appointment only | ✉ | 978-544-3402 |
Accountant | Kelli Pontbriand; appointment only | ✉ | 774-633-6705 |
Board of Assessors | Tracy Styles, Clerk; Tues 10-2pm, Thurs 2-6pm or by appointment | ✉ | 978-544-8304 |
Board of Health | Anna Picard, Ann Kendall, Donald Matthews; Clerk Tues 1-4pm; meeting dates | ✉ | 978-544-6315 |
Building Inspector | Justin Gale, Building Inspector; appointment only | ✉ | 413-239-7946 |
– Gas Inspector | Casey Bashaw; appointment only | 978-895-0214 | |
– Plumbing Inspector | Casey Bashaw; appointment only | 978-895-0214 | |
– Wiring Inspector | Brian Peters, Inspector; Todd Weed, Deputy Inspector; appointment only | Contact Info | |
Cemetery Commission | Clyde Perkins, Jr, Chair and Burial Agent | 978-544-3228 | |
Conservation Commission | Christine Duerring, Chair; Gregory Brodski, Vice-Chair; usually meets 1st Monday of each month at 7pm | ✉ | |
Fire Station | Joe Larson, Chief; appointment only | ✉ | 978-633-9087 |
Highway Department | Matt Dorgan, Superintendent | ✉ | 978-544-6349 |
Library | Ivan Ussach, Librarian; Mon 10–4pm, Tues 1–8pm, Thurs 5–8pm, and except for July & August: Sat 10–12:30 | ✉ | 978-544-7866 |
Planning Board | John Bradford, Chair; 2nd Thursday of each month (except August) at 7:30pm | ✉ | 508-740-1266 |
Police Business Line | David Shoemaker, Chief; appointment only | ✉ | 978-544-2244 |
Selectboard | Keith Ross, Chair; Brian Snell, Alan Genovese. Office hrs by appt. | ✉ | 978-544-6315 |
Tax Collector | Jessica Foote; Mon 11-6pm, Thurs 11-2pm or by appointment | ✉ | 978-544-3845 |
Town Clerk | John Paganetti; Mon 1-4pm, Wed 10-1pm or by appointment | ✉ | 978-544-8304 |
Town Coordinator | David Young; Office Hours by appointment | ✉ | 978-544-6315 |
Town Hall Fax | 978-544-6499 | ||
Transfer Station | Gerald Whitney; Open every Saturday from 8am-3pm. July – Sept: Wednesdays 3-6pm | ✉ | |
Treasurer | Ryan Mailoux; Office Hours by appointment | ✉ | 978-633-5152 |
Warwick Broadband | Status of Network, Orders, Repairs | ✉ | 413-676-9544 |