The Trails Group would like to remind folks of the easy .3 mile trek to the Hockanum Hill Overlook and .4 trek on the loop. The trail is marked with silver and blue arrows. It is a reasonable total trek of 30 to 45 mins, (.7 miles) depending upon your pace. It is a family friendly trail, suitable for all ages.
There is a bench and a boulder at the Overlook site and a bench situated halfway up the Overlook Trail. This is a Town owned property.
The Trails Group has recently pruned the parking area and trail.
Happy trekking!

Warwick Trails/Hikes
Some trails are indicated in the Warwick Open Space Plan with maps. That plan is available at the Library or Town Hall.
- M-M/ NET
- Around the Mountain Trail, Mt. Grace. Park at Oscar Ohlson Field. Follow blue blazes.
- Richard’s Reservoir, Richmond Rd.
- Kelton Cemetery, Bliss Hill Rd, left onto Warwick Rd., to end, Sleeping Village, Amos Alexander
- Indian Caves, off Bass Rd. , take right into woods, CCC camp on left uphill, continue left to Old Mill Site, or straight to Caves, walk 20 mins, yellow marks on trees. On right.
- Stagecoach Trail, So. Holden Rd. by Moores Pond to No.Holden Rd. by Warwick Cemetery
- Dirt Road, E.Wilson Rd, behind McKnight’s, leads to Chestnut Hill Rd.
- Hockanum Overlook and KQT Loop
- WCS: Lily Pond to Dump and Hettie Belle Rd. and field, or right toward 49 Athol Rd., Cranberry Bog
- MGLCT Trails off Gale Rd, both sides of road, Iverson property, to Heron Swamp and Devil’s Washbowl, and straight to Hastings Pond Rd. CCC camp nearby
- Flagg Rd. , over bridge, right toward Hockanum area, Wendell Rd.
- Black Gum Swamp Trail, Wendell Rd.
- Balance Rock, from Northfield, check with Clyde Perkins Jr and Sr.
- Shoemut Pond area. Town Lands
- Corner of Beech and Gale Rd., site of 1 of 10 Schoolhouses
Feel free to call Clare Green, 978-544-7421, for further clarification. This list was developed by Dave Shepardson and Clare Green.
From the Trails Group,
Brad, Tom, Louise, Howard, Matt, Nancy, Lynne, Babette, Clare