Free Recycling Events for Styrofoam blocks

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This spring, Franklin County Solid Waste Management District is collaborating with the towns of Leverett, Montague, Northfield and Warwick to hold special recycling collections for blocky “Styrofoam” packing material. The collections will occur each Saturday in April from 9 a.m. to noon (April 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2025). These events are only open to Leverett, Montague, Northfield and Warwick residents.

These special recycling collections will only accept white blocky packing material and coolers made of expanded polystyrene foam (EPS or PS #6), commonly known as “Styrofoam”. Foam items must be clean and dry. Before bringing materials to the collection, residents should remove any tape, labels, cardboard or wood.

The recycling events will not accept food-related “Styrofoam” items such as cups, plates, bowls, trays, egg cartons or take-out containers. Other items that will not be accepted: wet/dirty materials, #4 (LDPE) foam packaging material, foam insulation board (XPS), or packing peanuts.

Each of the four town’s transfer stations will host these special collections; a transfer station permit is not required, but these events are only open to town residents.

The collection locations are:

  • Warwick Transfer Station, Garage Rd, Warwick
  • Montague Transfer Station, 11 Sandy Lane, Turners Falls
  • Northfield Transfer Station, 31 Caldwell Rd, Northfield
  • Leverett Transfer Station, 5 Cemetery Rd, Leverett

For more information, contact the District office at or 413-772-2438. MA Relay for the hearing impaired: 711 or 1-800-439-2370 (TTY/TDD). The District is an equal opportunity provider.