2024-01-11 Transfer Station Commission Minutes

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Meeting Date: January 11, 2024

6:30 PM, Warwick Town Hall

1. Meeting called to order by Todd Dexter at 6:45 PM

In Attendance: Members Mark Fellows, Todd Dexter, Attendant Gerry Whitney, Town Coordinator David Young.

2. Review & Approval of last meeting minutes: Dexter asked for a motion to approve the December 13, 2023 meeting minutes. Fellows made the motion Dexter second. Approved as written 2-0-0

3. Weekly receivables report to the Commission: Tracking of all trash services. Whitney has been submitting copies of the turnover report every two weeks to the treasurer and accountants. He also submits copies to the commission for monthly review. Young reported that the commission cannot charge back other town departments for trash disposal. State law says municipal departments cannot move budget line items between on another to off-set expenses. Whitney was asked to maintain a list of materials being disposed of by other departments. The school has been coming in on Saturdays to dispose of their waste. The Highway Department has been bringing their trash in during the week. Over the past month lots of paper waste has been dumped in the bulky waste container. Whitney asked about notifying the Highway Superintendent to recycle as much paper waste as possible. Young would like a copy of the list to review. The Commissioners came to a consensus that Whitney will track departmental use.

4. Old Business

A. Fence Line Extension and repair: Dexter reported that former Board of Health Member Donald Matthews had approached him about the current placement of the fence at the main gate. He said the section to the right of the entrance was on the Johnson Property. He said the original plan while under the purview of the BOH was to run it down the driveway. There are orange boundary markers spray painted on the trees. Dexter said he would bring the info back to the commission for advisement. Fellows and Dexter agreed that the fence should be relocated on town property. A contractor will be contacted to look at the line and the section in need of repair before the next meeting.

B. Power source for Conex: Whitney said he had cut some of the small trees to the rear of the unit where the trench line will end up for the underground power line. Jason Ring of White Road had expressed interest in bidding on the job but later expressed his regret that he would not be able to submit one. Whitney also reported that the highway department would dig the trench to the compactor power panel to allow the conduit installation.

C. Attendant’s Shed Power Line: No action has been taken to resolve this matter. Tabled until Chair Mike Mankowsky can address it.

D. Long Term projects: Fellows brought up the mechanical services of the two compactor power units. Kurt Fritag of Winchester, NH had been contacted by Mankowsky last month. He was not readily available to come and look at them. Both units need the hydraulic oil checked and possibly changed. Oil sampling was brought up. Further discussion needed.

5. New Business

A. Gate Access: Whitney had reported that there had been some illegal dumping by someone that has access to the facility. Several generic bags had been tossed into the trash compactor which he was able to retrieve locating several documents with names and addresses. The matter was addressed and parties were spoken to about proper disposal and station hours. Cameras will be installed later this spring which are being obtained through a grant Town Coordinator David Young is administering.

B. Review of Expenditures and Revenue ledger: Coordinator David Young attended the meeting to update the commission on the transfer station revenue and expense reports. The bulky waste has yearly shortfalls exceeding the revenue stream which ends up being covered by taxation. Each year a warrant article is placed on the ATM to cover the shortage. The commission is working on the possibility of a scale being added as a means to fairly assess fees being charged for bulky trash disposal.

6. Updates and needs from Attendant Jerry Whitney: Whitney asked about he taking over notification to the various vendors that service the transfer station for hauls. He noted that he sends an e mails to Young who arranges the hauls. Dexter and Fellows felt this was a topic for discussion when the entire commission was present. Tabled until the February meeting.

7. Unanticipated business. None

8. Public Comment. None

9. Adjourn new meeting date. Next meeting will February 28th, 6:30 PM at the Town Hall All Boards Room. Adjourned at 8:26 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Dexter
Commission Member


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Meeting Attachments