2023-12-13 Transfer Station Minutes

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Meeting Date: December 13, 2023
6:30 PM, Warwick Town Hall

1. Meeting called to order by Chair, Mike Mankowsky at 6:40 PM
In Attendance: Members Mark Fellows, Todd Dexter, Mike Mankowsky and Attendant Gerry Whitney.

2. Review & Approval of Meeting Minutes: Fellows made the motion to accept the minutes as written, Dexter seconded. CARRIED 3-0-0

3. Old Business

A. Fence Line: Dexter reported that he needed to contact a few companies to look at the fence for repair and hadn’t had time to do so. Donnie Mathews, former Board of Health Member has recently mentioned that the fence line on the Hettie Bell Lane side of the gate is on private property. It really needs to be relocated and placed on town property. Donnie is willing to assist with locating the property markers. Tabled until the next meeting

B. Power to the Conex box: Mankowsky spoke with Todd Weed, Town Electrician about wiring the unit. He does not have time in his schedule to get the job in line right now. Dexter suggested Bill Johnson Electric. Will reach out and see if he is willing to look at it.

C. Attendant’s Shed: Mankowsky said he would work on getting the shed issue taken care of. It was suggested by Whitney that slip joints could be added to the conduit to eliminate the line movement. Needham Electric in Greenfield has been set up with the town as a vendor. Mankowsky will check and see what the best options will be to make the repair.

D. Long Term Projects:

Compactors. Mankowsky will reach out to Kurt Frietag of Ashuelot, NH and see if he is willing to come and service both units. Evaluate, change the hydraulic oil, filters and breathers. Also evaluation of both units for possible trade in based on condition for rebuilt compactors as needed. One is around 20 years old and the second between 10-12 years.

Driveway Maintenance: Mankowsky said the road leading up to the gate is town property and should be maintained by the highway Department. He also said once the new Highway Superintendent is in place he would be willing to discuss continued maintenance inside the gate. The town plows and sands the yard during the winter months already.

4. New Business

A. Review Expenditures & Revenue Ledger Reports: Dexter asked Town Coordinator David Young if he could supply these reports for review by the commission. The Commissioners reviewed both reports and several questions were posed. It was the consensus of the members to ask Young to attend the January meeting and assist and organize these documents. Dexter will reach out via e mail asking him to attend. The matter was tabled for the next meeting.

The commission would like to see the bulky waste ledger separate from the green bag trash receivables.

B. Letter from Town Coordinator & Town Accountant: Young has supplied an e mail explaining the duties for the accounting firm, Marcum LLC. Elizabeth Braccia, Susan Warriner work for Marcum handling the town’s business. The reports requested were for the last three years for Fund 65 which is the Enterprise fund for the Transfer station.

C. E mail from Coordinator, Turn over sheets for mileage and pay: Attendant Whitney recently traveled to Whatley for the solid waste district training. He took his personal vehicle for travel and documented business mileage to be turned in for reimbursement. It has also been brought to the commissions attention that the attendant’s payroll sheets have been turned over in the form of an e mail and no official documents were in use. Coordinator Young had written an e mail with direction on how these things need to be documented and proper persons to turn those records over to. In discussion the commissioners asked to have Young supply the standard forms for reimbursement and turning in hours worked. Young will be supplying Whitney with a laptop with all needed forms also set up to e mail everything as needed. Whitney will be working with Tracy Styles the Assessor’s clerk on training and use of the devise. All weekly receivables from services at the Transfer Station will be e mailed to the Commissioners weekly.

D. Green Bags: Whitney will be working on the green trash bag inventory. He will contact Kevin Cook at Hi-De Liners in Orange and see how many boxes are in storage right now. He will also check with Ivan Ussach at the Library and get a count of his inventory. Whitney said he will also check and see what the town is paying per bag and report back at the next meeting.

E. Solid Waste District Letter regarding rechargeable battery disposal: Jan Ameen from FCSWD sent out an e mail dated November 9, 2023 regarding new charges for battery recycling. As of January 1, 2024 Call2Recycle will have to charge $90.00 per 30-35 Lb. box of batteries which used to be free. Instead the waste district has chosen to use their current battery vendor and ship all batteries at $0.75 – $1.00 per pound. This comes at an added cost the district cannot absorb. Whitney said he does not collect many batteries on a yearly basis but will advise residents as they come in. A copy of the letter was distributed to commission members for review.

5. Update and needs from Attendant Jerry Whitney: An invoice was presented by Coordinator Young for supplies purchased for Whitney and Vern Bass (fill in attendant). Items purchased were cut proof gloves purchased from FCSWD in the amount of $84.51. Motion was made to accept by Mankowsky. Fellows seconded. CARRIED 3-0-0

Fire extinguisher at the attendant’s shed is out of date. Mankowsky will take care of it. Young dropped off the two grabbers for picking items out of the recycle containers that should not be in the units.

6. Unanticipated business. None

5. Public Comment. None

6. Adjourn new meeting date. Next meeting will January 11, 2024 6:30 PM at the Town Hall All Boards Room. Adjourned at 8:10 PM

Fellows made the motion to adjourn, Mankowsky second, CARRIED 3-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Dexter
Commission Member

FCSWD Invoice
Battery recycling change e mail
Transfer Station Fund 65 Financial Statements E mail (2 pages)
Town of Warwick Fund 65 Expenditure Ledger (2 pages)
Town of Warwick Fund 65 Revenue Ledger (2 pages)
Coordinator e mail, timesheet and mileage reimbursement instructions
Copy of Request for Reimbursement of personal expense report