2023-09-13 Transfer Station Minutes

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Transfer Station Commission Approved Minutes

Meeting Date: September 13, 2023

6:30 PM, Warwick Town Hall

1. Meeting called to order by Mike Mankowsky, Commission Chair at 6:39 PM

Mike Mankowsky, Mark Fellows and Todd Dexter were in attendance. No public attendees

11. Review & Approval of last meeting minutes. Mankowsky said he and Mark Fellows had met with the Select Board in a joint session last fall to address the hiring of Gerry Whitney. Meeting minute were taken by Amanda Cary, Select board secretary.

111. Old Business

A. Hiring of Gerry Whitney. Mankowsky said the Select Board approved his hiring and that matter is settled.

B. Bulky Waste Scale. Mankowsky had asked if anyone knew if the scale for the bulky waste had been ordered by David Young. Dexter noted that Gerry Whitney was under the impression it was on order or would be soon. Mark Fellows said the scale was a 4’ x 4’ platform and wondered how material would be loaded onto it. He felt this type of scale was not conducive. Mankowsky said a drive on scale would be more appropriate. The commission agreed that a drive on scale would be the correct unit. Dexter said he would check with David Young, Town Coordinator on the current status. It was suggested to see if ARPA monies may be available to fund the project.

Dexter also asked commission members if the bulky waste service should continue. Fellows said he wants to see the service continue as it keeps our streets clean. Consensus was to keep the service in place.

VI. New Business

A. Fence line Extension, repair damaged fence funding source. Whitney had submitted the question of extending the fence line to the South side of the main gate. Whitney had said he has knowledge of persons lugging in trash around the fence after hours. Mankowsky said the only issue is the town owned land ends not far from the existing fence line and it would have to be looked into. The Fence line north of the gate has been damaged by a fallen tree, Dexter will write a letter to the Select board asking about funding for repairs.

It was suggested that surveillance cameras be installed at the gate, attendant’s shed and a general view of the yard. Fellows would like to see cameras installed and the damaged fence line repaired first. Mankowsky said he recalls Hastie Fence being the company that erected the original fence line. Consensus of the commission was to draft a letter to the Select board asking about ARPA funding for these projects.

B. Power source for connex storage container. Whitney had also requested that the Commission address the electrical power to the container. Lighting is poor only with an existing extension cord and one light presently. Mankowsky said the town electrician should be able to assist with running conduit inside. He also said running underground conduit from the compactor electrical panel would work best buried at the rear of the container. The town has an account at Hamshaw Lumber select board approval would be needed for materials. Tabled

C. Office Power Line, damage to conduit. The two external conduit power lines entering the office have been damaged due to building movement. One line does not have any wiring, the other provides 115 V power. Mankowsky suggested jacking the building and placing better blocking under it. He will look at it and determine a course of action and report back at the next meeting.

D. Locks for the office building. Fellows suggested a camera on the building along with a lock. Whitney had reported the current handle has a lock but was told to leave it unlocked to prevent the door from getting kicked in, no valuables are left inside. the matter was tabled until a decision is made on camera funding.

E. Town Coordinator Roll. David Young took over as manager of the transfer station when the Commission was formed. He has taken care of the day to day operations notifying Waste Management for container hauls and any attendant needs. The consensus of the Commission it to begin lifting some responsibilities and work with him on transitioning to the Commissioners. Review of his current role, contracts, fee schedules and budget. He will be invited to a future meeting to discuss.

F. Road Entrance Repair. There have been many complaints on the road leading into the Transfer Station. David Young had said he was going to hire Ed or Don Matthews to repair the road; this is a public way to the gate. Dexter said it should be under the purview of the Highway Commission. Some repairs have been made but it is still rough. Mankowsky said he can use town equipment and is willing to spread gravel and grade the entrance. Dexter will address the Highway Commission asking what they would like to do.

G. Tree Removal Questions. Gerry Whitney submitted questions on what trees need to be cut around the bag trash compactor. He said the hauling company has complained about trees growing in the way when trying to attach the container to the compactor. Whitney wanted to know what trees can be removed. Mankowsky will speak with Superintendent Larry Delaney from the Highway Dept. Tabled

5. Unanticipated business. Mankowsky questioned the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. Each year the town ends up with a tax liability due to negative numbers from bulky waste. He would like to better understand this and begin resolution on a better fees schedule, including a scale.

A. The Commissioners questioned the need for a budget for the transfer station. Right now there are no allocated funds for needed repairs or equipment for the attendant. Funding for compactor repairs, oil testing, hand tools. This may be a matter for Select Board review.

5. Public Comment. None

6. Adjourn new meeting date. Next meeting will be October 11th, 6:30 PM at the Town Hall All Boards Room. Adjourned at 8:05 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Dexter

Commission Member


MA Dept of Revenue Free Cash Certification: Transfer Station Enterprise Fund Report FY 24

Coordinator report

Coordinator E-Mail: Subject, Gerry Whitney hospitalization update