Real Estate & Personal Property Tax
Warwick is a Semi-Annual Preliminary Tax community. Real Estate and Personal Property Bills are sent twice per year as outlined below.
Fiscal Year 2025
Preliminary Bills were sent on June 28, 2024. Preliminary Bill payments cover tax owed for July 1st-December 31st
Preliminary Bills were due on, or before, Tuesday, October 1, 2024. These bills are now overdue. Interest is accruing daily. Please call the office to find out the exact amount owed or pay online; for your convenience interest is included in the total due.
Actual Bills were sent on Friday December 27th and cover tax owed for January 1st – June 30th. These bills are due on, or before April 1, 2025.
Fiscal Year 2024
These bills are delinquent and accruing interest daily.
2023 Tax Rate: $20.11
2024 Tax Rate: $16.55
2025 Tax Rate: $17.78
Please communicate any address changes for Real Estate and Personal Property to the Assessor’s office.
It is the responsibility of every property owner to pay your taxes on time even if you do not receive a bill due to a delivery error.
Real Estate Municipal Lien Certificate Requests: $25 per parcel
Municipal Lien Certificate Requests are only accepted by mail and processed when received with payment. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope so the request can be returned.
Mail request, payment, and self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Town of Warwick
Attn: Tax Collector
12 Athol Road
Warwick, MA 01378
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax
2024 Motor Vehicle Excise Commitments Mailing Date & Due Date:
Previous commitments for 2024 have all been reported to the Deputy Collector. If you have an outstanding bill prior to 12/2/24 please contact them immediately to get it resolved.
Commitment #0624
Mailed 12/2/24: Due 1/3/2025
Demand Bills Mailed: Due 1/30/25
Warrant Notices/Bills issued call the Deputy Collector Jeffery & Jeffery to resolve
Commitment #0724
Mailed 2/3/25: Due 3/3/25
Commitment #1
Mailed 2/3/25: Due 3/3/25
***If you receive a Motor Vehicle Excise Bill for a vehicle you no longer own or is no longer on the road (license plate was transferred or canceled) do not ignore it. The billing error will not get corrected without your direct involvement. Please pay the bill and apply for an abatement with the Assessor’s office. A refund will be issued upon approval. Failure to pay results in additional fees and interest.***
Once demand bills have been mailed payments that do not include the fees, and interest will be returned/sent back for partial payment. (MA General Law states partial payments cannot be accepted for Motor Vehicle Excise.) This will result in additional interest and possibly additional fees.
Demand Bills that are not paid by their due date will be reported to our deputy collector, Jeffery & Jeffery Inc. Additional fees and interest will be applied and they will issue a Warrant Notice/Bill(s) requesting payment.
If you receive a Warrant Notice/Bill(s), for your Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, from our Deputy Collector you must pay them directly. Contact information is provided below along with their website for additional information and services:
Jeffery & Jeffery Inc
Deputy Tax Collectors
137 Main Street
PO Box 720
Ware, MA 01082-0720
Phone: 413-967-9941
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm Friday’s 8am-12pm
Jeffery & Jeffery – Deputy Tax Collectors – Massachusetts (
Address changes for your Motor Vehicles Excise must be reported to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The town is unable to update this information. Failure to do so could result in not receiving your bill and the assignment of additional fees and interest if it is left unpaid after the due date.
It is the responsibility of every vehicle owner to pay your Motor Vehicle Excise tax even if you do not receive a bill due to a delivery error.
Tax Collector: Jessica Foote
Email address:
Phone: 978-544-3845
Monday’s 11-6
Thursday’s 11-2
Other days, and times, available by appointment
Thursday February 20th
Tuesday Feb. 18th 10am-2pm
Online – Click the orange “Pay Bills Online”
Check/Money Order – Payments can be mailed or dropped in the Black Box outside of the Town Hall (Next to the Blue USPS Mailbox) 24 hours/day.
Cash – Exact Amount and done in person. There is no cash at the town hall to make change.