Special Town Meeting Monday December 11



To either of the Constables of Warwick, GREETINGS:

In the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to



Then and there to act on the following articles:

ARTICLE 1: Shall the Town transfer from available funds (free cash, stabilization, or grant former program income) $68,000. (sixty eight thousand dollars) to fund the new hybrid police cruiser already authorized a town meeting borrowing vote; or take other action related thereto?   

ARTICLE 2: Shall the Town vote to rescind the Special Town Meeting vote of December 12 2022 in Article 7 to borrow $70,000 for a police cruiser; or take other action thereon?

ARTICLE 3:  Shall the Town vote to rescind the vote of May 1 2023 Article 18 to transfer $31,102 to reduce the levy; or take any other action related thereto?

ARTICLE 4: Shall the Town appropriate former grant proceeds in the amount $19,426 to the Stabilization Fund; or take any other action related thereto?

ARTICLE 5: Shall the Town appropriate certified free cash in the amount of $138,578 to the Stabilization Fund; or take any other action related thereto?

ARTICLE 6: Shall the Town appropriate from the Stabilization a sum of money to purchase an SUV and upfit it as a 7D vehicle to transport WCS students

ARTICLE 7: Shall the Town authorize the Warwick School Committee and Selectboard to enter into a five-year lease for an upfitted 7D vehicle to transport WCS students; or take any other action related thereto?

ARTICLE 8: Shall the Town authorize the Selectboard, pursuant to a bid process, to enter into a five-year contract for Warwick District School pupil bussing; or take any other action related thereto?

ARTICLE 9: Shall the Town discontinue and abandon Paul Road as a statutory private way, privately maintained or take any other action thereon?

ARTICLE 10: Shall the Town authorize payment of the following prior year bills from respective current year accounts or funds as identified below; or take other action thereon?

Fire Department          Sandri                          $673.48           propane           FD Expense

Selectboard                 Precision Ctrls            $2,946.50        pump rebld      WCS Improvement

Board of Health          Lab                              $200                beach               BoH Expense

ARTICLE 11: Shall the Town vote to apply the national grid energy rebates received for completing grant funded Green Communities energy saving measures to the grant funded project’s expenditures; or take any other action thereon?

ARTICLE 12: Shall the Town establish a Bridge Grant fund for police training and equipment thereby making the revenue expendable by the PD without further appropriation; or take any other action thereon?

ARTICLE 13:  Shall the Town vote to increase the amount named by vote at the May 1 2023 Annual Town Meeting Article 6 from a $5000 earnings cap for the fiscal year, to $7,500; or take any other action related thereto?

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with our doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting.  Given under our hand this 27day of November 2023

Keith Ross                             Brian Snell                            Alan Genovese

And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at Town Hall, the Senior Center (Town Hall Dining Hall), the Transfer Station and the Warwick Free Public Library fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting, as within directed.


Pursuant to the within warrant, I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Warwick by posting attested copies of the same at the  Town Hall, the Senior Center (Town Hall Dining Hall), the Transfer Station and the Warwick Free Public Library fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting, as within directed.

                                                                                    This 27thday NOVEMBER, 2023

A.George Day, Constable