Correction: Meeting Notice & Agenda MONDAY June 17, at 6:00 p.m.

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Meeting Notice & Agenda MONDAY June 17, at 6:00 p.m.

Warwick Selectboard hybrid (on-line and in-person) meeting.

Notice of potential Warwick School Committee meeting within the Selectboard Meeting. Notice given in the event a quorum obtains at the SB meeting.

41 Winchester Rd Warwick 01378 at Community School in Children’s Library and via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 371 759 7885 Passcode: 12

+19292056099,,3717597885#,,,,*12# #

In the event the Zoom meeting fails at the physical meeting site located at 41 Winchester Rd we will pause the hybrid meeting until streaming service resumes. If unable to recover, we will reschedule and repost the meeting.

Call to order Selectboard and any other named bodies with a quorum.

Announcements, and introductions,

Appearance – Janice Kurkoski Fire Station Solar update; authorize letter of interest

Ethics exemptions or disclosures if any

Minutes of previous meetings

Citizen’s concerns and suggestions for future agenda items

Discussions and reports

  • Coordinator Report highlights including Home Rule and Capital Planning
  • Selectboard Reports including how to recognize team that made WSD happen
  • School District Report if any


  • Approval of administrative actions taken

Items unanticipated at time of posting.
