Warwick Planning Board & Agricultural Commission Minutes
April 11, 2024 (revised)
Members present: John Bradford, Howard Mathison, Brad Compton, Sandy Renna
Alternate members present: Kady Woods
Members absent: Kelly Buchanan
Others present: None
Meeting in the Town Hall was called to order at 7:39 pm by Chair John Bradford
Agenda was approved, voted unanimously.
The minutes of the March meeting were approved, voted unanimously.
Announcements & other info
- Reminder: We all have to take ethics training by the end of July. Do it here: https://massethicstraining.skillburst.com/User/index.php. Create a new account. Select ‘Warwick’ under Organization. Verify your email, set a password, acknowledge receipt, and complete the training.
Review and sign plans
- None
Old business
- Prepare for changes to ADU bylaw – Kelly, Brad
- There have been some requests that we change the maximum square footage for an ADU from 800 to 900 ft2. The Massachusetts model bylaw uses 900 ft2, and many small house designs are 900 ft2. It’s too late for us to hold a hearing, so it would have to be amended on the floor.
- We’re on the warrant for Annual Town Meeting, May 6 at 7 pm.
- Town Coordinator will make copies of our info sheet. We’ll need to get a final version to him. Kady updated the date and shared it. Brad will send it to the Town Coordinator.
- There may be a public information session before ATM, perhaps on April 29. We should have someone there to field questions. John and Howard and Kady will be there.
- John will be prepared to address any questions at Town Meeting; hopefully Kelly will be there too.
New business and business not reasonably anticipated
- Opinion on Brush Valley Road per Keith Ross – John. Keith Ross wants an opinion about the Mallet’s affidavit from the Planning Board. We don’t disagree with anything in their affidavit, but we’re reluctant to make a definitive statement, as we’re not lawyers. John will talk with Keith again.
- Tree Hearing on April 24, at 2:00 pm at 615 Wendell Road – John. 8 or 10 trees in the right of way. John, Howard, and Brad will be there.
Meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm, voted unanimously.
Next meeting: Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm in the Warwick Town Hall, to be chaired by Brad Compton.
June – Sandy
July – Howard
September – Kady
October – Kelly
November – John
December – Sandy
Submitted by Brad Compton, Secretary