2023-12-14 Planning Board Minutes

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Warwick Planning Board & Agricultural Commission Minutes
December 14, 2023

Members present: Kelly Buchanan, John Bradford, Howard Mathison, Brad Compton
Alternate members present: Kady Woods
Members absent: Sandy Renna
Others present: None

Meeting in the Town Hall was called to order at 7:31 pm by Rotating Chair Brad Compton.

Agenda was approved, voted unanimously.

The revised minutes of the November meeting were approved, voted unanimously.

Announcements & other info

  • We got a bill from Athol Daily News for $171; John will take care of it

Review and sign plans

  • None

Old business

We will have two documents for the Public Information Session and Annual Town Meeting: (1) the bylaw language (one side of a page), and (2) the information sheet (two sides of a page, we think). We edited the bylaw language, and due to Open Meeting Law, will no make more changes until the January meeting, at which point we’ll finalize it. We will continue to edit the information sheet online and finalize it at the January meeting. Once the content is finalized, Kady will work on the graphic design.

New business and business not reasonably anticipated

  • STM vote on discontinuing and abandoning Paul Road. This passed unanimously, so Paul Road is no more, and we’re done with this.
  • Possible new members. We’re dropping this for now, as we’ve been doing fine making quorum. We’ll keep our eyes open for an additional member.

Meeting adjourned at 9:06 pm, voted unanimously.

Next meeting: Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 7:30 pm in the Warwick Town Hall, to be chaired by Howard Mathison.

January – Howard
February – Kady
March – Kelly
April – John
May – Sandy
June – Brad

Submitted by Brad Compton, Secretary