Ivan Ussach, director/librarian
4 Hotel Road, Warwick, MA

Trustees (TTOR) GO Pass: A GO Pass can be used at any of the Trustees’ natural and cultural sites that charges admission, except at parking kiosks or at special events or programs. One pass covers admission for up to two adults and any children under 18 at a single property. Not every Trustees property charges an admission fee, as many are free to the public already. Visit thetrustees.org for a specific property’s admission policy.
Library Hours:
Mondays 10 – 4; Tuesdays 1 – 8; Thursdays 5 – 8; Saturdays 10 – 12:30 (except July & August)
Gregg Stone, chair; Clare Green, Cheri Robartes, Elaine Sednek, Andrea Woods, Jesse Lopes
Trash bags (for the Transfer Station): for sale during regular hours.
Our library is a vital source of information and entertainment. Aside from print and audiobooks, music CDs and movie/documentary DVDs, there are infra-red and Go-Pro cameras to borrow, toys in the Children’s Section, a telescope, binoculars, free faxing, and copies at $0.10 each! The library subscribes to close to 20 different magazines and journals. There’s free high speed wi-fi for your own laptop, or use one of the three library computers. Through inter-library loans you can get almost any book, CD or DVD from another library.
SEARCH the CWMARS Regional Library Catalog online:
You can find out if the book, CD, DVD or video you want is in the Warwick Library or any other Central or Western Massachusetts library by clicking here. Order books on-line through CWMARS and have them delivered to Warwick. You will need your member/card # and password – contact the Library if you need that info or other help.
Refine your search using “Keyword/ Title/Author” and “Format” dropdown menus; to search by genre, use a keyword such as Western, Mystery. Use “Advanced Search” and scroll down below blue bars to select for “Warwick Library” only.
ORDER an item available at the Warwick Library by emailing the Library at warwick@cwmars.org or calling 978-544-7866 during regular hours.
HOME DELIVERY: Volunteers may be available to deliver items if you cannot arrange a pickup yourself.
RETURNS: Place all items (gently) in the book drop. Please return Warwick Library items in a timely manner so they are available to other patrons.
Library Policies
Policy for the Public Use of the Internet
Warwick Library – from 1898 state report: “In the summer of 1815 a circulating library was organized in Warwick, a small sum being charged for the privilege of taking books. This library was kept up as a private enterprise until 1871, when it was given to the town, which had, the preceding fall, appropriated the sum of $100 towards establishing a public library. Its use now became free to all the inhabitants of the town, each family being allowed four books at a time… It was kept in rooms in a dwelling-house until January, 1895, when it was removed to a room in the new town hall building. This room is light, pleasant and convenient, but will soon be to small.” [In 1917 the Baptist Church offered its Meeting House to the Town for use as a public library, which commenced, after renovation, in 1919 on the Library’s present site; 1998 saw a major addition, bringing the building to its current configuration.]