
This list of bylaws is still a work in progress and should not be considered complete!

This page is a compilation of bylaws that relate to Warwick based on town meeting minutes, verification of approved town bylaws from the Attorney General’s office, and updates to Warwick’s Legal Base Study published in 1984.

The current Zoning Bylaws and Subdivision Planning Bylaws are available separately.

This page includes duties and terms for all elected and appointed positions, the town’s personnel policy, a list of accepted town roads, Mass. General Law acceptances, and special acts passed by the Legislature that pertain to Warwick.

As new bylaws or acts are approved by Town Meeting, this document will change and require updates.

Last updated June 24, 2024















Date of Town Meeting

The annual town meeting shall be held on the first Monday in May starting at 7:00 p.m.

Adopted under Article 4
Special Town Meeting
May 21, 1990

Posting of Town Meeting and Election Warrants

Town Meeting and election warrants shall be posted at the Town Hall, the Senior Center (Town Hall Dining Hall), Warwick Free Public Library, and the Transfer Station.

(Amended article 11, 5/3/99 ATM) Adopted under Article 6
Annual Town Meeting
May 1, 2006

Notification of voters

Each family of registered voters shall be notified of future town meetings by postal card.

Adopted under Article 1
Special Town Meeting
October 18, 1972

Authorized the use of the Community Newsletter, in lieu of postcards, at the discretion of the Selectmen, to notify voters of town meetings.

Adopted under Article 5
Annual Town Meeting
May 21, 1979

Quorum Requirement

In order for a Town Meeting to be called to order, a quorum consisting of 5% of the registered voters in the Town, as of the end of the most recent voter registration period, must be present.

Adopted under Article 1
Special Town Meeting
October 5, 1998
Approved by Attorney General 10/28/98


The legislative body in the Town of Warwick is the Open Town Meeting. Membership of the town meeting includes all the legal voters of the Town (MGL Chapter 39, section 18). An open town meeting is not a representative body, but a popular assembly where each registered voter “. . . has an indisputable right to vote upon every question presented as well as to discuss it. .” (Opinions of the Justices, 229 Mass. 601, 1918).

Powers and Duties

Town Meeting exercises legislative powers by action of the electorate at the annual town election and by actions at the annual and special business sessions.

Town Meeting exercises its legislative powers by a simple majority of the voters present and with certain exceptions (e.g. MGL Chapter 44, sections 2,4,7,8,20).

Unanimous Vote of an Article Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote

As provided by MGL Chapter 39, Section 15: If a two thirds vote of a town meeting is required by statute and the vote is unanimous, a count need not be taken, and the clerk shall record the vote as unanimous. This provision does not apply to town meeting votes requiring a four fifths or nine tenths vote.

Adopted under Article 6
Annual Town Meeting
May 5, 2014
Approved by Attorney General 5/22/14

Town Election

The Annual Town Election will be held the third Monday in May.

Adopted under Article 5
Annual Town Meeting
(changed from vote at 1979 ATM) May 7 & 14, 2007



  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The three Assessors are elected at the annual town election for a term of three years, with one third of their number elected annually (MGL Chapter 41, sections 1, 24).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The Assessors are responsible for the administrative and technical work in appraising property for tax purposes and assessing taxes. The Assessors determine the valuation of real and personal property for municipal tax purposes, and for levying and abating taxes (MGL Chapter 41, sections 1,24,28).


Position abolished under Article 9 at Annual Town Meeting May 3, 2004.

Board of Health

  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The three members are elected at the annual town election for a term of three years, with one third of their number elected annually (MGL Chapter 41, section 1 and adopted under Article 5, Special Town Meeting January 12, 1976).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The Board of Health is responsible for public health regulations in town including inspection of new septic systems and dry wells, issuance of permits for installing, altering, repairing septic systems, maintenance and administration of the town’s transfer station, health related clinics, licenses for temporary food permits and for the sale of milk (MGL Chapter 41, sections 1, 21, and Chapter 111, section 26 and adopted under Article 6, Special Town Meeting July 13, 1977).

Cemetery Commissioners

  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The three members are elected at the annual town election for a term of three years, with one third of their number elected annually (MGL Chapter 41, section 21, and Chapter 114, sections 22, 27).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The commissioners are responsible for the supervision, care, and management of all public burial grounds in the town. The Board may also lay out existing or new burial grounds (MGL Chapter 114, sections 22, 23, 24, 25, 27).


  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The three constables are elected at the annual town election for a term of three years, with one third of their number elected annually (MGL Chapter 41, section 1 and adopted under Article 45, Annual Town Meeting March 4, 1957).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • Constables may serve writs or processes, post warrants, and shall have the powers of sheriffs to require aid in the execution of their duties in the provision of the safety of both persons and property in the town (MGL Chapter 41, section 94).


  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The Moderator is elected at the annual town election for a term of one year (MGL Chapter 39, section 14).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The Moderator presides over and regulates the proceedings of all session of the town meetings. The Moderator decodes all questions of order, makes public declarations of all votes, and may administer in open meeting the oath of office to town officers (MGL Chapter 39, section 15). No person may address the town meeting without recognition of the Moderator, and he/she may cause the removal of any disorderly persons from the meeting (MGL Chapter 39, section 17).

Regional School District Committee

Pioneer Valley Regional School District established under Article 2, Annual Town Meeting, May 6, 1991.

  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • Three members are elected at the bi-annual state elections for a term of four years each.
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The School Committee is entrusted with broad powers to exercise control and supervision over education within the regional school district. It has powers to appoint the school superintendent and other school personnel, to delegate authority on a wide range of issues, create a budget, and to formulate general policies (MGL Chapter 71, section 16).


  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • There are three members of the Board of Selectmen. The Selectmen are elected at the annual town election for a term of three years, with one third of their number elected annually (MGL Chapter 41, sections 1,2,21).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The Board of Selectmen is an agent of the law making body, the town meeting. The Board is responsible for carrying out the wishes of the town meeting and for providing administration to the town departments.
    • The Board of Selectmen serves as chief executive of the town and has general supervision over all matters not assigned by statue or bylaw to other town officers.
    • The Selectmen have the power to appoint certain town officers and boards and the Board has the authority to issues licenses and permits for a variety of activities (MGL Chapter 41, sections 20, 21, 22,23).

Town Clerk

  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The Town Clerk is elected at the annual town election for a term of three years (MGL Chapter 41, section 1). {Term changed to 3 years; adopted under Article 8, Annual Town Meeting May 3, 2004}
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The Town Clerk is responsible for the performance of all duties of the office of Town Clerk as mandated by state law. Included are the recording of births, deaths, marriages, the issuance and collection of fees for licenses, recording minutes at all town meetings, as well as broad responsibilities in the area of elections (MGL Chapter 41, section 15).

Tree Warden

  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The Tree Warden is elected at the annual town election for a term of one year (MGL Chapter 41, sections 1, 23).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The tree warden has the complete control of all public shade trees and shrubs in the town. No tree on public property shall be cut or planted without the permission of the tree warden. The warden supervises any tree work that is done close to the roadside, and is responsible for monitoring insect pest effects on public trees such as gypsy moth control (MGL Chapter 41, section 69D).

Trustees of the Free Public Library

  1. Method of Election, Term of Office
    • The six trustees are elected at the annual town election for a term of three years, with one third of their number elected annually (MGL Chapter 78, section 10 and adopted under Article 3, Special Town Meeting December 5, 1932).
  2. Powers and Duties
    • The Library Trustees oversee the operation of the Warwick Free Public Library. The library receives state and local funding and is also supported in part by trust funds. The trustees administer these monies as well as supervise the town librarian (MGL Chapter 78, sections 11,12).


ADA Coordinator

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: Coordinates Americans with Disabilities Act for town; ensures town compliance

Animal Control Officer

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually (MGL Ch. 140, sec 151; MGL Ch. 129, sec 15). Position established under Article 19, Annual Town Meeting May 1, 2000.
  2. Responsibilities: ACO combines the positions of Dog Officer and Inspector of Barns and Animals. The Dog Officer is responsible for dealing with stray and lost dogs, nuisance dogs, dog bites, home finder service, rabies clinics, and any other dog related matters.
  3. The Inspector of Barns & Animals is responsible for checking the conditions under which cattle and domestic animals are kept and the condition the animals themselves are in, and to act accordingly (MGL Ch. 129, sec 2).

Burial Agent

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually (MGL Ch. 115, sec 7).
  2. Responsibilities: The burial agent works with families and/or funeral homes when a burial is needed in the Town of Warwick (MGL Ch. 115, sec 7).

Caretaker of the Clock

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The caretaker of the clock ensures the accuracy and maintenance of the Town Clock (accepted in 1884), which includes winding once a week and oiling every three months.

Civil Defense Director

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The Civil Defense Director is responsible for developing a disaster plan and for coordinating the activities with state and local agencies.

Conservation Commission

  1. Members & Term: 6 members appointed for 3 years each, with one third appointed annually (MGL CH. 40, sec 8C and adopted under Article 27, Annual Town Meeting March 6, 1973).
  2. Responsibilities: The commission is responsible for the protection of the Town’s natural resources through planning and advising. The commission is also carries out the administration and enforcement of the Wetlands Protection Act. The commission shall conduct researches into its local land areas and shall seek to coordinate the activities of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes, and may advertise, prepare, print, and distribute books, maps, charts, plans, and pamphlets which in its judgment it deems necessary for its work (MGL Ch. 40, sec 8C).

Council on Aging

  1. Members & Term: 6 members appointed for 3 years, with one third appointed annually (adopted under Article 17, Annual Town Meeting May 10, 1982).
  2. Responsibilities: The Council on Aging coordinates and carries out programs designed to meet the needs of the town’s elders. The Council works closely with the Franklin County Home Care Corporation and the Massachusetts Department of Elder Affairs in providing needed services (MGL Ch. 40, sec 85).

Crockery Committee

  1. Members & Term: 3 members appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The committee is charged with managing the dishes, silver, pots, and pans for the Town Hall.

Cultural Council

  1. Members & Term: 6 members appointed for 3 years each
  2. Responsibilities: The cultural council establishes the guidelines for the use of Massachusetts Cultural Council funds, determining if applications comply with those guidelines, certifying payment to and overseeing the ultimate use of the funds by the town and acting as liaison with local and regional arts councils (MGL Ch. 10, sec 35A; formerly known as Warwick Arts Lottery Council).

Electrical Inspector

  1. Member & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The inspector administers and enforces the state building code as it relates to wiring and electrical work in new and renovated building projects.

Fence Viewer

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually (MGL Ch. 49, sec 1)
  2. Responsibilities: It is the Fence Viewers’ duty to ensure that legally prescribed fences are properly maintained. They oversee proceedings of neglect of fences and settle controversies abutters may have over the repair of fences (MGL Ch. 49, sec 1-20).

Field Driver

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually (MGL CH. 49, sec 22). This position is traditionally given to the first married male in the New Year in Warwick.
  2. Responsibilities: A field driver shall take up horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, sheep, goats, or swine going at large in public ways or on Common and unimproved land within the town and not under the care of a keeper (MGL Ch. 49, sec 24).

Fire Chief

  1. Members & Term: 1 chief appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The fire chief has full charge of extinguishing fires in the town and the protection of life and property in the case of fire. The chief has full authority in the administration of the department and makes rules and regulations for its operation (MGL Ch. 48).

Forest Warden

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The warden has full charge to extinguish forest fires in the Town of Warwick (MGL Ch. 40, sec 11 and Ch. 48, sec 8-41).

Franklin County Solid Waste Committee

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: Represents the town on the county Solid Waste Committee

Hazardous Waste Coordinator

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The coordinator works with the County Hazardous Waste Committee and keeps the public informed about hazardous waste. The coordinator can work with the Con Com, Planning Board, Board of Health, and the Board of Selectmen to help the town keep track of changing issues and conditions.

Highway Superintendent

  1. Members & Term: 1 superintendent appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The Highway Superintendent oversees the construction and maintenance of approximately 60 miles of Town roads. The Superintendent employs three highway employees with the approval of the Selectmen. The department plows snow, maintain bridges, and patches and grades roads (MGL Ch. 41, sec 62-68).

Historical Commission

  1. Members & Term: 4 members appointed for 3 years each (adopted under Article 25, Annual Town Meeting May 22, 1978)
  2. Responsibilities: The commission is responsible for the preservation, protection, and development of the historical or archaeological assets of the Town. The Historical Commission researches for places of historical value, cooperates with the state archaeologist, and coordinates activities of the unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes. It may prepare publications which it deems necessary for its work. It is responsible to report to the state archaeologist the existence of certain historical discoveries in accordance with Chapter 9, section 27C (MGL Ch. 40, sec 8d).

Inspector of Buildings

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually (MGL Ch. 143, sec 3)
  2. Responsibilities: The inspector is the administrative chief responsible for administering and enforcing the state building code as well as MGL Ch. 22, sec 13A and its rules and regulations. The inspector shall report directly and be solely responsible to the person or public body that appointed him/her. (MGL Ch. 143, sec 3 and 780 CMR 108).

Janitor – Town Hall

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The janitor is responsible for building maintenance, stoking the furnace, snow removal of entrance ways, repairs, and suggestions for same.

Memorial Days Committee

  1. Members & Term: 3 members appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The committee is responsible for planning and organizing the town Memorial Day celebration.

Old Home Days Committee

  1. Members & Term: 3 members appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The committee organizes and plans events for the annual Old Home Days celebration in Warwick, coordinating with other groups in town.

Open Space Committee

  1. Members & Term: 12 members appointed for 3 years each, with one quarter of the committee appointed annually (established under Article 6, Annual Town Meeting May 5, 2003).
  2. Responsibilities: The WOSC provides guidance to the Selectmen, town Boards, and residents on how to maintain the rural character and sense of community of Warwick through protecting and encouraging wise use of land and natural resources, enhancing recreational opportunities, and encouraging appropriate economic and residential development.

Personnel Committee

  1. Members & Term: 3 members appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: To act as the Personnel Board/Committee as described in the Personnel Policy and to research and make recommendations on other personnel issues as directed by the Board of Selectmen.

Plumbing Inspector

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The inspector administers and enforces the state building code as it relates to plumbing in new construction and renovation.

Police Chief

  1. Members & Term: 1 chief appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The Chief shall be in immediate control of all town property used by the department, and of the police officers whom he/she shall assign to their respective duties and who shall obey his/her orders (MGL Ch. 41, sec 97A, 98 and adopted under Article 28, Annual Town Meeting May 22, 1978).

Police Officers

  1. Members & Term: 8 officers appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The police shall suppress and prevent disturbance and disorder and may disperse and arrest persons who do not give a satisfactory account of themselves (MGL Ch. 41, sec 98).

Recreation Commission

  1. Members & Term: 3 members appointed annually (MGL Ch. 41, sec 1 and established under Article 17, Annual Town Meeting May 1, 1995).
  2. Responsibilities: The commission coordinates recreational events, afterschool sports activities, and maintains equipment they own for recreation purposes.

Recycling Coordinator

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually (established under Article 34, Annual Town Meeting May 3, 2004)
  2. Responsibilities: The coordinator ensures that the town complies with the recycling bylaw and regional activities relative to recycling.

RTA Representative

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: To represent the Town of Warwick’s interests in Franklin County Regional Transit Authority meetings and report back to the Selectmen. The FCRTA coordinates transportation services and obtains federal and state funding for the services for most towns in the region.

Registrar of Voters

  1. Members & Term: 3 members appointed annually (MGL Ch. 51, sec 17)
  2. Responsibilities: The Registrars of Voters are responsible for preparing accurate lists of all town residents who are eligible to vote. The registrars also certify nomination papers, preside over recounts, and assist in the conduct of local elections (MGL Ch. 51, sec 33).

Surveyor of Lumber

  1. Members & Term: 3 members appointed annually (MGL Ch. 41, sec 1)
  2. Responsibilities: Settle disputes over measurement of lumber.

Tax Collector

  1. Members & Term:
    The Tax Collector is appointed for a term to be determined by the Selectboard(MGL Chapter 41, section 1); Position changed from elected to appointed and approved at Annual Town Meeting May 3, 2004 and Annual Town Election March 14, 2005.
  2. Powers and Duties:
    The Tax Collector is responsible for the overall administration of local taxes. The collector enforces the tax laws to ensure a high level of voluntary payment and is responsible for properly maintaining tax records, accounting of the taxes received, and paying over all receipts to the treasurer (MGL Chapter 41, sections 38A; Chapter 60, sections2,3).

Tech School Committee

Franklin County Technical School District established under Article 1, Special Town Meeting November 14, 1972.

  1. Members & Term: 1 representative appointed annually at the beginning of the fiscal year (MGL Ch. 41, sec 1).
  2. Responsibilities: see “Powers & Duties” under Regional School Committee (MGL Ch. 71, sec 16).

Town Accountant

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: Provides periodical reports on the Town’s financial condition and reviews the work of the Treasurer (MGL Ch. 41, sec 55).

Town Coordinator

  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed annually (established under Article 12, Annual Town Meeting May 1, 2000).
  2. Responsibilities: The town coordinator provides managerial and planning assistance to the Selectmen and serves as a liaison to state and local agencies, prepares grant applications, researches and reports on issues for the Selectmen. The position is under the authority and supervision of the Selectboard.

Town Counsel

  1. Members & Term: 1 member appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The Town Counsel acts as legal advisor to the Town interpreting state law and offering opinions on the legality of proposed warrant articles, by-laws, actions, contracts, etc. The use of Town Counsel is regulated by the Board of Selectmen and the Board must approve the purpose for which Town Counsel is sought, unless state law provides otherwise (MGL Ch. 268A, sec 22). The Town Counsel performs two major functions in Warwick: he/she acts as the Town’s agent in any legal action, and he/she represents Town Departments in specific actions such as State Appellate Tax Board hearings.

Town Forest Committee

  1. Members & Terms: 3 members appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The committee is responsible for managing the town forests, including cutting, and checking forest boundaries.

Town Secretary

  1. Member & Term: 1 person appointed annually (established Article 13, Annual Town Meeting, May 1, 2000).
  2. Responsibilities: The secretary records the minutes of the Selectboard meetings, compiles the Annual Town Report, and completes other projects as directed by the Selectboard or Town Coordinator. Position is under the authority and supervision of the Selectboard.


  1. Members & Term: 1 person appointed for term to be determined by the Selectboard (MGL Chapter 41, section 1); Position changed from elected to appointed and approved at Annual Town Meeting May 3, 2004 and Annual Town Election March 14, 2005.
  1. Responsibilities: The Treasurer is responsible for the management of all town monies. The Treasurer receives and disburses all cash, invests temporarily available cash, issues and manages debt obligations, and manages banking relations. The Treasurer also administers group insurance, is responsible for payroll, and supervises the pension and retirement systems for town employees (MGL Chapter 41, section 35).

Veterans Agent

  1. Members & Term: 1 member appointed annually (MGL Ch. 115, sec 3)
  2. Responsibilities: Acts for the Selectmen in the disbursement of Veterans’ benefits by the Town. Accepts and processes applications for benefits from veterans, their spouses and/or dependents. Files for reimbursement of said benefits from the state Department of Veterans Services (MGL Ch. 115, sec 3, 4, 6).

Veterans Grave Agent

  1. Members & Term: 1 member appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: The agent marks out graves, calls mortuary to dig the graves, and keeps records of the same.

Worker’s Compensation Agent

  1. Member & Term: 1 person appointed annually
  2. Responsibilities: Serves as a liaison between the town’s Workers Compensation agent and town employees filing for said compensation. Reviews the town’s worker’s com policies to ensure that coverage is adequate and that the town has been billed fairly.

Zoning Board of Appeals

  1. Members & Term: 5 members appointed for 5 year terms (MGL Ch. 40A, sec 12; adopted under Article 2 of Special Town Meeting November 16, 1974 and Section 16 of Warwick Zoning By-laws).
  2. Responsibilities: The ZBA is responsible for reviewing land and structure usage as stipulated in the Warwick Zoning By-laws and the Warwick Subdivision Control By-law. The ZBA may grant special permits and variances (MGL Ch. 40A, and Ch. 41, sec 81Z and Section 126.81 of the State Building Code).


Planning Board

  1. Members: 5
  2. Term of Office: 5 years (Adopted Article 3, Special Town Meeting 10/17/73; amended Article 8, Special Town Meeting 6/18/74 and again Article 29, Annual Town Meeting 5/19/75)
  3. Responsibilities: The Planning Board is granted power under state law to influence the Town’s development, both physical and economic. The Planning Board can make a master plan of the Town showing existing and desired features. The Board holds hearings on proposed amendments to the Town’s Zoning By-Laws. The Board is also responsible for enforcement of the Town’s subdivision control by-law (MGL Chapter 41, sections 81A-G).

Finance Committee

  1. Members: 5
  2. Term of Office: 3 years (Adopted Article 26, Annual Town Meeting 5/16/77; amended Article 4, Annual Town Meeting 5/19/80; amended to reduce number of members from 7 to 5 again, Article 17, Annual Town Meeting 5/2/94. Approved by Attorney General)
  3. Responsibilities: The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and advising Town Meeting about articles included in the Town Meeting warrant. The Committee participates in the budget process by reviewing department budgets and making recommendations as to alternatives and cost impacts of Town expenditures. The Finance Committee can also authorize transfers from the Reserve Fund for unanticipated expenditures (MGL Chapter 39, section 16).



Voted to authorize $ 0.32 per mile reimbursement for all elected and appointed officials on official Town business, excepting contracted services, and further to allow reimbursement as indicated in the respective budgets.

Adopted under Article 12
Annual Town Meeting
May 2, 2005


List of Public Roads

Voted to discontinue all public roads in Warwick except those on the List of Public Roads.

Adopted under Article 17
Annual Town Meeting
May 9, 1988

Athol Roadfrom Orange Road to Town Line3.553
Bass Roadfrom Northfield Rd ending at brook leading to Bass Swamp1.352
Beech Hill Roadfrom Gale Road southerly to Brush Valley Road past last house1.102
Bliss Hill Roadfrom Orange Town Line to Royalston Town Line.20
(Brush Valley Roadfrom Beech Hill Road to Orange Road1.25)
Buzzell Place Roadfrom Flower Hill westerly toward Buzzell House.05
Chase Hill Roadfrom Royalston Road to Athol Road.553
Chestnut Hill Roadfrom junction with West Wilson Rd to Wendell Road1.052
East Rum Brook Rdfrom Richmond Road 1000 feet westerly

East Wilson Roadfrom Wendell Rd. about 1100 ft northwesterly to southeast side of Wilson Brook
Flower Hill Roadfrom Northfield Rd to Winchester Rd.2.352
Gale Roadfrom Athol Rd. to Orange Town Line2.55
Garage Roadeasterly from Winchester Rd 500 ft to Johnson’s northwest boundary post; Changed-Article 13, Annual Town Meeting 5/3/99 (see Hettie Belle Lane).40
Hastings Heights Rd.from Athol Road to Orange Town Line1.843(south end)
Hastings Pond Roadfrom Orange Road to Cadwell’s driveway1.10
Hettie Belle Lanefrom Garage Rd. easterly for approx. 625 ft.

Hockanum Roadfrom Orange Road to Wendell Road.802
Hotel Roadfrom junction of Orange and Winchester Roads to Athol Road.05
Kirk Roadfrom Orange Rod easterly to Kirk place.05
Leland Hill Roadfrom Northfield Road to Flower Hill Road.192
Mount Grace Avenuefrom Orange Road across Northfield Road to dead end.152
Northfield Roadfrom Northfield Town Line to Winchester Rd. at intersection with Hotel Road4.55
North Holden Roadfrom Orange Road westerly to house.15
Old Winchester Roadfrom Athol Road to State Line (NH)2.85
Orange Road (Route 78)from end of Winchester Road at Warwick center to Orange Town Line5.03 (see layouts)
Paul Roadfrom Orange Road easterly toward house & buildings.10
Pine Streetfrom Wendell Road to dead end.18
Quarry Roadfrom Wendell Rd to Northfield Town Line1.55
Revere Hill Roadfrom Orange Rd. to intersection of Wendell and Northfield Roads.25
Richmond Roadfrom Athol Road to State Line (NH)2.802; 2.5 rods wide from Rum Brook to Athol Rd.
Robbins Roadfrom Old Winchester Rd to Winchester Rd (Old Winchester Rd to Richmond Rd abandoned 1987).553
Rockwood Roadfrom Hastings Pond Rd to Orange Road.10
Royalston Roadfrom Athol Rd to 1200 feet east of Chase Rd.(see Town Meeting votes 1979, 1980, 1982, 1988).553
Shaw Place Roadfrom Wendell Road westerly to Shaw place.12
Shepardson Roadfrom Wendell Rd to White Rd. (see Spooner Road)1.702
Shepardson Place Rdfrom Shepardson Rd westerly toward old house.252
Smith Roadre-opened 3/31/75; 1000 feet from Richmond Road.162
South Holden Roadfrom Wendell Road easterly to Sammy Lane.222.5
Stevens Place Roadfrom Old Winchester Rd easterly toward Stevens Place.152.5
Wendell Roadfrom Orange Town Line to intersection of Revere Hill Road5.353
West Rum Brook Road1400 feet easterly from Old Winchester Rd to dead end at west bank of Rum Brook.27
West Wilson Roadfrom intersection of Flagg and Chestnut Hill Roads 1000 ft. southeasterly to pole #10-733/5, about 50 ft. past Rivers’ driveway.192
Wheeler Roadnortherly off Orange Road to private way that is ½ mile long with 1 camp & 2 houses on it.142
White Roadfrom Northfield Rd ending at brook leading to Bass Swamp; past house at 488 White Rd.1.452
Winchester Road (Route 78)from the end of Orange Road at Warwick Center to State Line (NH)3.153 (Robbins Rd to village)


Echo Park Roadnortherly off Route 78 to near the south side of Hastings Pond.28
Erving Roadwesterly from Quarry Road through Laurel Lake Recreation Area to Erving Town Line.65
Hemlock Drivean extension of South Holden Rd turning northerly to east side of Moore’s Pond.25
Laurel Lake Roadwesterly from Erving Road passing north of Laurel Lake dead end.33
Sammy Lanenortherly from South Holden Road on east side of Moore’s Pond to dead end.10
Spooner Road (Shepardson Road)northerly from intersection of White & Shepardson Roads to 5th Mass. turnpike; private way, privately maintained 5/9/88.22
Tully Brook Roadfrom Royalston Rd to Athol Rd1.0
Wheeler Roadnortherly from Wheeler Road along west side of Wheeler Pond to dead end; 1 camp & 2 houses on private way.50
Whipple PlaceWesterly from Richmond Road to the Whipple Place.15

Building Permit Applications

Voted to adopt the following by-law: Before the Board of Selectmen in their capacity as zoning agents approve a building permit application for construction of a new dwelling, the Building Inspector shall determine that the ways necessary for access to the lot on which construction of a new dwelling is intended to be performed are either (1) public ways maintained by the Town that provide year-round access to the lot for ordinary motor vehicles or (2) private ways that have been approved by the Planning Board under the provisions of the Warwick Subdivision Control Bylaws.

The Planning Board shall not approve a plan or endorse a plan that its approval is not required unless all lots shown on the plan satisfy the requirements of this by-law or unless the applicant signs a stipulation to be recorded with the plan in the Registry of Deeds, prohibiting construction of a new dwelling on any lots that do not satisfy the requirements of this by-law.

Adopted under Article 17
Annual Town Meeting
May 11, 1987

Lake Use Rules

The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Warwick, Massachusetts in an endeavor to increase the Public Safety and promote the General Welfare of Persons using Lake Moore in said town for swimming and boating and for persons residing on its shores, deem it necessary to make certain rules, regulating the size and use of Motor Boats and/or out-board motors on said Lake Moore, as follows:

  1. The use on Lake Moore of a boat propelled by a motor (either in-board or out-board) with more than three (3) horsepower rating IS PROHIBITED.
  2. Any gasoline motor used to propel a boat on Lake Moore must be equipped with, and use, suitable muffler which will prevent it from making unnecessary noise.
  3. Any boat on Lake Moore propelled by a motor must not be operated at any time at a rate of speed or in such a manner as to endanger any person who may be using said Lake.
  4. No boat on Lake Moore propelled by a motor may tow behind it any object used for carrying a person or persons.
  5. Any boat on Lake Moore propelled by a motor if used after dark must be adequately lighted.
  6. The use on Lake Moore of all Motor Boats of any kind or description is prohibited between the hours of 12 o’ clock midnight and 6 o’ clock in the morning.

Signed, Board of Selectmen
Summer of 1946 (undated)

Voted unanimously to restrict the use of motors on motorboats, watersleds, or other water vehicles using the lakes and ponds within the boundaries of the Town to a motor having power not greater that 10 HPM.

Adopted under Article 3
Annual Town Meeting
May 20, 1974

Voted unanimously to amend the by-law adopted under Article 3 of the Annual Town Meeting held May 20, 1974, which prohibits the use of power boats greater than 10 HPM on lakes and ponds within the boundaries of the Town of Warwick by adding the following provisions: “Whosoever violates this by-law shall be punished by a fine of not more than $25.00 for the first offense and by a fine of not more than $50.00 for a second or subsequent offense”.

Adopted under Article 5
Special Town Meeting
July 20, 1976
Approved by Attorney General 11/4/76

Voted to prohibit the operations or use of recreational vehicles and snow vehicles on the surface of the lakes and ponds within the boundaries of the town, and to punish violators of this by-law by a fine of not more that $25.00 for the first offense and by a fine of not more than $50.00 for a second or subsequent offense.

Adopted under Article 29
Annual Town Meeting
May 15, 1978
Approved by Attorney General 10/26/78

Public Order

Anyone who has an alcoholic beverage in his or her possession or in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle while he or she is on the public ways, common land, or other public places, but not including the inside portions of public buildings, of the Town shall be punished by a fine of $25.00 for a first offense and $50.00 for a subsequent offense. Beverages in a sealed, unopened container, and beverages lawfully possessed in connection with an activity for which a one day license or permit for distribution of alcoholic beverages has been granted shall be exempt from the provision of this by-law.

Adopted under Article 8
Special Town Meeting
September 14, 1982
Approved by Attorney General 1/11/83

Voted to amend the by-law passed as Article 8 at the Special Town Meeting 9/14/82, by adding the following sentence:

“The restrictions do not apply to Fellows Memorial Field between the hours of noon and the time of sunset on any day.”

Adopted under Article 18
Annual Town Meeting
May 14, 1984

Roads, Common, and Cemetery

Voted to accept the provisions of the Scenic Roads Act, MGL Chapter 40, section 15C, and designate all roads in Town as “Scenic Roads” with the exception of Route 78.

Adopted under Article 2
Special Town Meeting
June 25, 1984

Voted to adopt the following by-law: No person shall operate, or allow another person under his or her control to operate, a motor vehicle classified as an all-terrain vehicle, an all-terrain cycle, trail bike or a similar vehicle on any real estate owned by the Town of Warwick, including but not limited to discontinued or unmaintained roads, Town Forests and Town open spaces. This by-law shall not apply to any employee or agent of the Town of Warwick or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acting on official Town or State business. Whoever violates the provisions of this by-law may be punished by a fine not exceeding $50.00 for each offense. This by-law may be enforced at the discretion of the enforcing person, by a non-criminal proceeding under the provisions of Chapter 40, section 21D of the Massachusetts General Laws.

Adopted under Article 23
Annual Town Meeting
May 12, 1986
Approved by Attorney General 7/29/86

No person shall throw, deposit, or otherwise dispose of litter, garbage, refuse or other waste material in or upon any public way, or any portion of the Town’s common land, or any other public area in Town, or any private property without the permission of the owner thereof, except in a receptacle or place designated for such litter, garbage, refuse, or other waste material. Any person violating this by-law shall be punished by a fine of not more than $200.00 per offense. Each day that such violation shall be committed or permitted by the offender to continue after notice shall constitute a separate offense.

Adopted under Article 12
Special Town Meeting
March 15, 1993
Approved by Attorney General 1/11/96

The tapping for the purposed of maple sugaring of all shade trees located on the Town Common, Town Park, and in Town Cemeteries is prohibited.

Adopted under Article 9
Annual Town Meeting
May 5, 2003
Approved by Attorney General 8/22/03


{Note: Zoning Bylaws – adopted under Article 6, STM, 7/11/1988- and Subdivision Control Bylaws – adopted 11/9/1987- are available separately.}

VOTED unanimously to amend the Zoning By-law adopted by Town Meeting vote. Section 9, (C) shall be amended to include the underlined:

POWERS: The Zoning Board of Appeals may grant special permits and variances to these By-laws, may set appropriate conditions or limitations before granting such special permits and variances, and shall decide appeals brought under this By-law. The Board may charge reasonable fees to applicants for such special permits, variances, and appeals.

The Board may require the applicant to pay for, or reimburse the Town for, all costs incurred, without limitation for professional assistance in reviewing an application, including, but not limited to engineering, planning, legal, and technical services. The Board may require performance bonds or escrow accounts as part of the application approval.

Adopted under Article 32
Annual Town Meeting
May 3, 2004
Approved by Attorney General 8/16/04

Town Dump

Voted to designate the Board of Health as the town body responsible for the administration of the Town dump including setting the hours and days which the dump will be open.

Adopted under Article 2
Special Town Meeting
July 13, 1977

Any person who throws away, deposits or otherwise disposes of litter, garbage, refuse or other waste material in or upon the Town’s landfill shall do so only in receptacles or places designated for such litter, garbage, refuse or other waste material and shall do so only during designated hours and on designated days when the Town’s landfill is lawfully open for the disposal of such litter, garbage, refuse or other waste material. Any person violating this by-law shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50.00 per offense. Each day that such violation shall be committed or permitted by the offender to continue after notice shall constitute a separate offense.

Adopted under Article 13
Special Town Meeting
March 15, 1993
Approved by Attorney General 1/11/96


Voted the following bylaw:

Section 1: There is hereby established a program for the mandatory separation of certain recyclable material from garbage or rubbish by the residents of the Town of Warwick.

Section 2: Definitions

Recyclables are the discarded materials described below which may be reclaimed for the purpose of reuse by industries. For the purpose of this ordinance, they are defined in the following categories:

  1. Aluminum: cans made from aluminum, aluminum foil, aluminum wrappers, and containers or trays used in the packaging, preparation, or cooking of prepared dinners, pies, cakes, or other foods.
  2. Glass: all unbroken jars and bottles, or similar products made from silica or sand, ash, soda, and limestone; the product being transparent or translucent and being used for the packaging or bottling of various matter and all other material commonly known as glass, excluding: (1) blue or flat glass commonly known as window glass; (2) dishes and crockery; and (3) light bulbs.
  3. Ferrous Metal Cans: all containers, composed in whole of iron or steel and so-called “tin” cans used for the packaging or storing of various food and non-food items, EXCEPT containers which contained paint or petroleum based solvents and any pressurized aerosol cans.
  4. Clean and unsoiled newspaper: including newsprint, all newspaper advertisements, supplements, comics and enclosures, magazines, junk mail and books (without hard covers). Newspapers shall be considered clean and uncontaminated if they have not been exposed to substances or conditions rendering them unusable for recycling. Persons may wrap solid waste in used newspapers and discard the same with regular solid waste even if such wrapping does not render the newspapers unusable for recycling.
  5. Corrugated Paper: corrugated boxes, cardboard, cardboard cartons, pasteboard, and similar corrugated and craft paper materials.

Section 3: Usage Restriction

The recycling center and landfill are reserved for the exclusive use of Warwick inhabitants.

Adopted under Article 18
Annual Town Meeting
May 6, 1991
Approved by Attorney General 1/11/96


The Selectmen, or any Town Official designated by the Selectmen may sell Town property, excluding real estate, valued at less than $1000 per item. No further action or vote of the Town Meeting shall be required to convey title.

Adopted under Article 7
Special Town Meeting
September 14, 1982
Approved by Attorney General 1/11/83


Most general laws enacted by the legislature are self-executing and immediately in effect. As a means of providing municipalities with a measure of self-determination, however, the General Court from time to time enacts permissive, or enabling laws which have force only in those cities and towns accepting such legislation. Over the years, a considerable body of permissive legislation has been enacted, and it has tended to shape and influence to a significant degree the character of local government.

YearMGL ChapterSubject
1913807Workmen’s Compensation
1913487Call Men
1914790Party Enrollment
1919311Continuation Schools
1930406, sec 21-25Sports on Lord’s Day
193854, sec 103AAbsentee Voting
1939807Compensation Insurance for Highway Employees
1945723Veterans Services – Any War
1946166Contributory Retirement
196232 BGroup Health Insurance
196471, sec 16-16IRegional School District
1964486Pensions and Retirement Allowance Benefit
Home Rule
196848, sec 42, 43Fire Department
197141, sec 99Regional Police District
197271, sec 16-16IRegional Vocational Technical School District
197340, sec 8CEstablish Conservation Commission
197341, sec 81AEstablish Planning Board
197441, sec 81K-GSubdivision Control
197441, sec 81ZSubdivision Board of Appeals
1975825, sec 1,3Housing for Handicapped
197632B, sec 7AInsurance for Employees
197840, sec 8DHistorical Commission
197840, sec 8GMutual Aid – Police
197841, sec 100GInsure Officials Against Suit
197841, sec 97APolice Department by Selectmen
197940, sec 4GPublic Bids
197959, sec 38Limited Real Estate Abatements
198144, sec 53DRevolving Fund for Burials, etc.
198359, sec 21ACompensation for Assessors
198459, sec 5, clause 41BExemptions for Elderly
198459, sec 5, clause 37AExemptions for Blind
1984152, sec 69-75Workmen’s Compensation for Elected Officials
198440, sec 15CScenic Roads
198840, sec 4GPublic Bidding
198841, sec 55Establish Auditor position
198844, sec 67Defer Employee Compensation
198940, sec 44A-44LSolid Waste District
199040, sec 21DNon-criminal Disposition
199041, sec 53EOffset Receipts
199044, sec 53GFunds for Technical Review of Special Permit Applications to ZBA & Planning Board
199044, sec 28CUse of Landfill Fees for Landfill Operating Expense
199544, sec 53DRevolving Fund for Recreation Commission
200359, sec 5, clause 54Personal Property Exemptions
2003262, sec 34Town Clerk Fees
200459, sec 5, clause 41CIncrease Limit for Real Estate Tax Exemptions
200444, sec 53GZBA, BOH, Planning Board Fees to Fund Consultants
2004Ch. 44, sec 53DRevolving Fund for Dog Licenses & Expenses

1970Ch 768. Acts of 1969Highway Program
1974Ch 1140, sec 20 & 22, Acts of 1973Local Aid to Highway Department
1975Ch 825, sec 1,3 Acts of 1974Local Aid for Transportation (Highways)
1986Ch 60, sec 23, Acts of 1983Tax Collector retains fees from municipal liens
1988Ch 236 Acts of 1987Planning Board Subdivision deposits
1991Ch 291 Acts of 1990Enhanced 911
1993Ch 133, sec 48 Acts of 1992Early Retirement for Town Employees
1994Ch 324 Acts of 1993Building Inspector involved in projects


A special act is legislation designed particularly for and with application to, a person of persons, an institution or institutions, one or several cities or towns, or one or several topics or issues. Special legislation differs from general laws in several respects, the first of which is limited applicability as shown above. Other points of difference are: 1. a special act generally comes about by request, and 2. special acts are never codified. Thus, they are always referred to by the year of enactment as well as the chapter number.

Some special acts pertaining to municipalities require acceptance by the local legislative body in order to become fully effective.

Act of Incorporation: The Town of Warwick was incorporated in 1736 under Chapter 31 of the Acts and Resolves of the Province of Massachusetts Bay for 1736. The act reads as follows:

A Plat of Tract of Land containing Twenty three Thousand and forty Acres, Exclusive of a Farm belonging to Johnson and Company, as also Farms belonging to Severance and Field; laid out by Nath Kellog Survey and Chain men on Oath, by virtue of a Grant made by this court to Samuel Newell and others officers and soldiers in the Canada Expedition Anno 1690, under command of Capt. Andrew Gardner deceased, Bounded as follows, viz Westerly on Northfield & Province land, East partly on province Land, and partly on Paquaonge, North partly on Arlington and partly on Province land; South on Province land beginning at Northfield East bounds, about Eighty Rods North of the Road to Lunenburg, Running East 1940 perch (with the allowance of about one Chain in Thirty upon each line) to a heap of stones; from thence Nineteen hundred and fifty perch to a heap of stones in Paquaongue North bounds; thence West one hundred and Seventy Nine perch in Paquaongue West bounds, to a Small Maple tree with Stones, thence west fifteen hundred and forty five perch to a Stake and Stones, thence North 7 deg 30 Min West Six hundred & sixty perch to Northfield South East Corner the same Course in the whole Two Thousand two hundred & Sixty five perch to a heap of Stones.

Read and Ordered That the plat be accepted , and the Lands therein delineated and described, (exclusive of the respective Farms within mentioned) be & hereby are confirmed to the Grantees mention in the petition of Samuel Newell and others in behalf of sundry Officers and soldiers in the Canada Expedition Anno 1690 in the Company under the Command of the late Capt. Andrew Gardner their Heirs and assigns and lawful Representatives respectively for Ever they complying with the Conditions of the Grant; provided the plat exceed not the quantity of Six miles square of Land (exclusive of the aforementioned Farms) and does not interfere with any other former Grant.

This enactment of the provincial legislature was passed on June 15, 1736.

Other special acts and resolves pertaining to the Town of Warwick follow in chronological order.

173539Vote for Four Towns to Canada SoldiersJune 19, 1735
173631Order Confirming a Plat of Township to Capt Gardner’s SoldiersJune 15, 1736
173659Order for a Meeting of Grantees to the Town granted to Capt. Gardner’s SoldiersJuly 2, 1736
173668Order on Huldah Duringer’s petition to be anmitted a Grantee in the Township granted to heirs of Capt. Gardner’s CompNovember 27, 1736
176281Order referring to petition of Joseph Williams, Esquire in regard to taxesJune 15, 1762
1762115Order referring with stay of proceedings the petition of J. Williams, Esquire in regard to taxesSeptember 17, 1762
1763292Resolves in regard to taxes on No. 4, and Roxbury, Canada.February 16, 1963
1763136Order confirming 1199 acres of land to the Proprietors of WarwickDecember 28, 1763
176692Resolve empowering the Assessors of the Town of Warwick to assess all delinquent proprietors at one penny per acre of land.November 12, 1766
1779559Resolve on the petition of inhabitants of WarwickFebruary 22, 1779
1779654Resolve on the petition of the inhabitants of WarwickApril 16, 1779
1780602Resolve empowering the administrators of the estate of Rev. Lemuel Hedge, to make sale of real estate in WarwickDecember 3, 1780
179560An act to repeal “ An act to incorporate the Committee of the Church and Congregation in the Town of Warwick for certain purposes,” passed April 20, 1779February 28, 1795
1782638Resolve directing the Treasurer to recall an execution issued against the assessors on the Town of Warwick, in the County of HampshireMay 3, 1782
1797143Resolve for Meetings to be held in several towns in the county of Worcester upon the expediency of dividing that county, and directing the secretary in this caseApril 3, 1798
180371An act for establishing a corporation by the name of Warwick & Irvin’s Gore Turnpike CorporationJanuary 30, 1804
187530An act to enable the clerk of Warwick for the year 1870 to amend his record of the town meeting held Sept. 6 of that yearFebruary 24, 1875
191541Resolve to provide for an investigation by the State Forest Commission relative to a State Park or Forestry Reservation at Mount Grace in WarwickApril 5, 1915
1916129Resolve authorizing the State Forester to assist the cutting and disposing of merchantable timber on lands on and adjacent to Mount Grace in WarwickMay 23, 1916
1920606An act to establish Mount Grace as a State ForestJune 4, 1920
19227An act authorizing the Town of Warwick to incur indebtedness for repairing the Town HallJanuary 30, 1922
1949353An act authorizing the Town of Warwick to borrow money for school purposesMay 27, 1949
1950662An act authorizing and directing the Dept. of Conservation to construct & lease a ski tow on Mount Grace in WarwickJuly 24, 1950
1973218An act erecting and constituting the Franking County Technical School DistrictApril 26, 1973
1983644An act authorizing an additional time period for the Town of Warwick to add omitted property to the tax list for Fiscal Year 1983December 20, 1983
1992345An act providing for Recall Elections in the Town of WarwickJanuary 8, 1993
1997233An act relative to the leasing of certain property by the Town of WarwickAugust 7, 1998


The agreements, bylaws, and charters that apply to the following districts that Warwick belongs to, are available in the Selectboard and Town Clerk offices.

Franklin County Solid Waste Management District(FCSWMD) – joined June 1989

Franklin County Technical School District – joined November 1972

Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) – joined July 1997

Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) – joined July 1979

Pioneer Valley Regional School District – joined May 1991

Many thanks to Clerk Jeanette Fellows, who originally compiled these bylaws.